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The infamous day is dreadfully here...

You've put your literal blood (if you're clumsy enough), sweat, and tears into this monstrosity of an exam.

You've followed the MANY Pinterest hacks on how to study properly (hopefully none of the ones that make you drink questionable liquids), and you topped it off with the breakfast of champions.

You've prepared throughly, even at the cost of your own mental sanity.

Every combination of the material that could have been thrown at you has been well accounted for.

"Bring it on!" you say to yourself.

Only, there's one scenario you weren't expecting. And let's just say it isn't a last minute trick question. Oh no. It's a bug that's decided to make a home in your classroom and terrorize you and your fellow overworked students.

You see it. The other students see it. But no one is doing anything, and the way it's flying at you with it's obnoxious buzzing isn't helping you focus in any capacity.


Bathroom Break:

We get that this may be hard since there's an actual living creature looming over your head, but try to channel your inner Ariana Grande and focus on this exam. The sooner you can finish, the sooner you can leave. Finish up quickly, and if you are allowed to leave, do so. If not, you could ask to go to the bathroom with the excuse of "It's an urgent matter." Hopefully you'll have a chill teacher who will excuse you. If not, maybe the bug issue won't be solved, but at least the exam will be over. Let's hope that you remembered the material correctly.

Swat team:

You've studied SO hard. There's been so many sleepless nights and stress induced migraines. It would be simple absurd and infuriating if you failed his exam because a bug decided to be particularly jerky that day. Gather your righteous anger, your arm, and a material heavy enough to do some serious swinging, and voila, you've gathered your five star swat team. Wait until the bug is in your proximity and exterminate the pest. Precision is key, however. You can only explain to your teacher that you're doing your "focusing on this paper by wilding swinging" ritual only once. After that, you may get in trouble for being disruptive, and the small nuisance will have won.


Don't feel like becoming Ariana Grande? Become Michael Jackson instead. If you're gonna be distracted beyond success, you might as well go out with a bang. Or in this case, a shriek. If seeing this creature flying directly for your face and you just want to let out a slasher-film scream. Do so. Maybe you'll scare the bug so badly that it'll never show up again. Probably not, but you can hope.

Avengers Assemble:

Surely you're not the only one who's concerned over the bug. Shoot glances all over the room and look for the distressed faces that aren’t looking at the test. When the timing is right, use your telepathy skillz because you’re one cool son of a motherless goat who deserves A to Z to communicate to the anti-bug squad. Your options are fight or flight, right? All of you could take turns swatting violently at it, or by using the power of polite rioting, you could all simultaneously raise your hands and request that the teacher do something about it. If enough people ask, they’ll surely do it eventually. That, or they’ll get annoyed. Let’s just hope they’re not too skittish.


Well, this opponent is truly a formidable foe. Your years of special martial arts training has prepared you for this moment. THE EXAM CAN WAIT. With great discipline, your rise from you seat. How did the controls go again? Left, left, x? Up, down, a? Who knows. But  you’re dramatically handing out karate chops and flying kicks with great pristine and accuracy. Truly a sight to behold. Some of the students have a single tear rolling down their cheeks. This story of your great victory will be told for centuries. Wow, is this what it’s like to be popular? Or, maybe you can continue to daydream as this monster continues to fly at you.


Does pepper spray work on bugs?

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