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One word. So much pain.

And no, I am not referring to pants suspenders.

I am referring to a person's mouth of metal. And no, this is not mockery because I too suffer from metal mouth.

Whether this is your first visit to the orthodontist or your nine hundredth visit, I can assure you that it never gets any easier. And you surely agree?

All that one feels after an orthodontist appointment is pain. Horrible torment.

It's near impossible to eat anything or to even speak. Breathing with your mouth is also an issue!

And to make matters worse, imagine every person you know always asking when your braces are coming out? Or just being the only person in your senior class to have braces? Perhaps going to prom with a built in disco ball?



Unfortunately its not as cool as Mr Miuagy's version but it's less painful. Ever hear of orthodontic wax? Well it is going to be your best friend and life saver. All you need to do is roll a small piece of wax into a ball and then flatten it. Place it over the area which is irritating your inner check or gums.


People need food. Food needs people. Well not really but you know what I mean. It's so difficult to open your mouth after a vist, now imagine having to eat... I rest my case. Try your best to stock up on soft foods before a visit. Make your favourite chocolate mousse or custard and jelly. Or plain old soup. If you wanna be healthy, then grab a smoothie! Don't forget eggs, and I don't mean eat it raw. You can eat scrambled eggs too,which are pretty soft! But if you're all out on groceries, don't be afraid to steal your baby brothers food ;)


Yes. Everyone has left a trail of elastics behind. Elastics are usually supposed to be worn 24/7, so when you have to eat, you gotta take them out. Try your best to not throw them around everywhere, it is unhygience. But always wear them, everyone know what a drag they are but use it. If the orthodontist wants you to wear them, you wear them. No question.


Try your best to aviod sugary drinks, chips and desserts. Basically all junk food. It has negative effects on you health and teeth. So not being able to eat has its benefits since after a while, a long while, you will lose interest in junk food. And popcorn is healthy but the kernels are a nightmare to get rid off! Follow your doctors list of what you should and should not eat.


Ice water is pretty useful. Drionking ice water will help numb the feeling of the metal rings on the sides of your tongue. Less pain and healthier you are! The only downisde is the constant need to pee. But a diaper easily solves the issue.

Eating Out:

After you waiting an eternity for lunch, you are finally allowed to eat. Don't chow down everything too fast, eat cautiously. Food is bound to get stuck in your braces. After your meal make sure that there's no food stuck in your teeth. Even if that means brushing your teeth, or using some mouth wash.

No matter how painful and sucky the appointments are, always go.
Don't miss any, and always listen to your orthodontist.
Remember to brush your teeth!

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