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We've all been there...

3 am, bag of chips, stress crying over whatever project is due the very next day. Doesn't matter how dire or how large your duty is, you've had plenty of time to finish it and you've pushed it off until the last minute.

While of course you do have the options of how to whip something together last minute, here at the Double D's we like to think of something practical every once and a while.

Instead of how to plan a way to cram your task in between all of your other obligations, we're going to be exploring the ways we, as fellow human beings, can overcome procrastination.


Shia Labeouf:

Fun (but actually somewhat depressing) fact: Most people actually resort to procrastination because they are huge perfectionists. It's easier to not do something and avoid utterly messing it up then it is starting something and hating everything about it, but in the words of a certain meme, JUST DO IT. Force yourself to sit down and start. You don't have to finish it all in one day, in fact, any progress is a good. Even though it sounds easier said then done, it is possible to just get it over with and avoid the anxiety associated with last minute jobs.  Maybe you'll hate it at first, but with the extra time you're saving, you can edit your work at the end. Now that's what we call being effective.


Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. And how you combat fear of ruining something? One up it with the fear of disappointing someone. It's a bit of an exaggeration, but the principle still applies. For whatever reason, tasks suddenly seem more important when other people have been sucked into it too—especially when they're people whom you care about. It goes from wasting your time to wasting other people's time, and nobody wants to waste other people's time when it can easily be avoided. Long story short— get an accountability partner. Have someone make sure you're doing your work. While it may seem tedious on both sides for a while, ultimately it'll be worth it.


Every living creature has an environment that they best thrive in, and humans are no different. It may seem overdone at this point, but it does make a difference when you're aware of what's surrounding you while you work. If you need background noise, listen to music that isn't distracting. That may mean songs without words or even a song that you don't know super well so you don't end up thinking of the lyrics instead of the project. Maybe that means artificial rain or a fan blowing in the background. As long as the setting is somewhere that isn't too busy, too uncomfortable, or too distracting, you should be good. Go find your perfect habitat, dear readers.


A common misconception is that you have to be inspired or motivated to create wonderful pieces. Truthfully, digital artists as well as other types of artists learn to create things even when they're not "inspired". Just because a big epiphany hasn't hit them, doesn't mean they can't make sometime substantial. Of course, you're not a trained artist, so it may not be as simple as to just feel your way into it. Another common practice is to do a small warm up version of the task you plan on doing. Getting settled in first may help new ideas to come to you, and as stated earlier, any progress is good.


Would it be fair to expect a broken down car to drive from one end of a continent to the other? Of course not. It's worn out and not fit for the job. Similarly, it's not fair to expect a huge workload out of yourself if you're not mentally able to do it in the moment. Been pumping out quality work but you're burning out fast? Take a break! Maybe it's a break that will last fifteen minutes or a day, but as long as you return when you're able to, everything will work out in the end. In the meantime, you can take a long bath and have some fancy foods for your mental healing. Take care of yourself. After all the work you're doing (mentally or physically), you definitely deserve it.



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