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As children, we don't really think about jobs, and when we do it's always something that we want to do. So when you go looking for a job, you don't realize just what kinds are out there.

Here a 25 Jobs You (Probably) Didn't Know Existed:

1. Snake Milker: You heard it right folks, snake milker. However, you're not really harvesting milk. Oh, no, you're harvesting for venom.

2. Odour Judge: Say goodbye to your sense of smell with this one. Because this job means smelling armpits, feet, or breath and rate their odour on a scale of 1-10.

3. Personal Bridesmaid: "Essentially I'm there as the bride's personal assistant and on-call therapist. I help her manage and execute her personal to-do list of tasks, which can often be over 100 tasks long." - Jen Glant, Cofounder of Bridesmaids for Hire

4. Iceberg Mover: Who here thought of the Titanic? Because that is precisely why this job exists.

5. Professional Mourner: It's exactly what it sounds like. In England, there's a company that will give you mourners for two hours for roughly $70.

6. Dog Surfing Instructor: Certain beach resorts offer this service to dogs, and sometimes there are classes strictly for dogs. Neat.

7. Panda Nanny: "Your work has only one mission: spending 365 days with the pandas and sharing in their joys and sorrows," Chinadaily.com reported organizers explaining.

8. Professional Mermaid: It takes a lot of work and training, but being a professional mermaid makes good money. Just saying.

9. Face Feelers: Much like the Odour Judge, Face Feelers, or "sensory scientist," are trained to use their hands to judge the effectiveness of facial products.

10. Professional Cuddler: I'm pretty sure I've read a book here on Wattpad about professional cuddling. Didn't know it was an actual thing.

11. Professional TV Watcher: It's actually harder than it sounds. They "usually scan through different shows and news clips, and find the right clips that can be used on a television show or news program," an article from Investopedia.com reports.

12. Ash Artist: "Ash artists get creative with the remains of our loved ones. Following cremation, some people to hire these artists to create a token of remembrance, like a necklace or glass sculpture."-Business Insider

13. Professional Foreigner: This one seems to be only popular in China. "It is a widespread belief in China that if foreigners are hired at an event, the whole thing is bumped up to another level."

14. Dog Food Testers: Human dog food testers...need I say more? Good news is, they usually spit it out after tasting it.

15. Chicken Sexers: It's not shady, I swear. They're just the ones who determine a chicken's sex and rely heavily on intuition, apparently. They make up to $60,000 a year.

16. Professional Line-Stander: You can now hire people to stand in long lines you don't want to stand in. Some earn up to $1,000 a week.

17. Fortune Cookie Writer: Apparently, they're usually free-lancers or in-house writers. Go figure.

18. Furniture Tester: Did you know people are actually paid to be couch potatoes?! I didn't!

19. Professional Sleeper: Hey, this is my ideal job. Let me know if you ever find someone hiring. Hook a sister up.

20. Resort Water Slide Tester: Get paid to travel to hotels and test out their water slides? Yes, please!

21. Mattress Jumper: Yes...just, yes.

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