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The day that you have meticulously planned for, has arrived.

It might have been to hangout with your friends that you haven't seen in roughly ten-thousand years.

Or maybe a much needed take-care-of-yourself day, everyone needs a be-you-tiful day every once in a while, right?

Well, much to your dismay, it doesn't matter... You're stuck watching what could only be accurately described as a tiny demon offspring.

That's right, your glorious plans were foiled by none other than your bratty nephew.


Suck It Up, Buttercup:

Grit your teeth and suffer through hours of misery. Yeah, it sucks that your plans were cancelled with little to no consideration that you have a personal life. Sometimes there's truly nothing you can do except admit defeat. Just make sure you're properly prepared for the headaches and excessive stress that's sure to come. Also, make sure that you get something out from looking after that demon child.

When In Rome:

You know that weird adult lingo? Yeah, maybe try that. If you sit down and have a fancy-pants adult conversation, they might just reconsider. Focus more on why you're mad instead of that fact that you are mad. Tell them clearly with minimal accusations and blaming. If you have a heart to heart, maybe they'll see your sincerity and change their mind.

Screw Friendship, Family Is Magical... Sometimes:

Instead of being bitter, try experiencing some of that magical family-bonding that adults like to dote on. Bond over your favorite superhero or the agony of Aunt Mariam's infamous bone-crushing hugs. Who knows, by the end of it, you may realize that you were selling the little demon spawn short... Or maybe not, but if things don't work out, at least you can say you tried.

Sharing Is Caring:

Hey, maybe this battle isn't worth the fight, but who said the war is lost? Store this unfortunate happening in your memory bank. The next time your parents (or some random authority figure puts you into this predicament) tries to recruit you again, cash it in. "Hey, I did it last time. You know who didn't? Your other child." Of course, you can't responsibility juke it towards a sibling if you're an only child. The writers of the Double D's will have a moment of silence for our fallen brother.

Free Holiday Trip:

On a magical ten-point scale of fairness, this has to be from 10 to -10 or better yet, -10 000 depending on how angsty you feel that day. You know what you could do? Present your case. Pull out how unfair it is to your friend, and how you've spent the last ten years planning for this particular day. Use every guilt trip you can think of. Maybe there won't be a next time because *gasp* you might die in a horrendous accident before then. Depending on the type of parents you have and how good you are at acting, it may just work out or on the other side of the spectrum, or further annoy them. This is the one time you must think something through...

Written By Those Who Suffer.

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If You Want The Suffering To Stop *insert puppy eyes*

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