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You've just had the most exhausting, some would say DrEADFUL gym session of your life.

All that you can think about is getting rid of the THICK layer of sweat on your once perfect skin, ignoring the bad acne.

You wonder if it's time to finally burn it off... And for once you're correct!

You enjoy your magma hot shower, the sweat melts away leaving you in a slightly pink tan...

You're probably thinking that your skin burning is the problem. But sadly it's not.

The life threatening problem is that something happens to be crawling up you leg...

Not just any something...

A SPIDER! A huge, enormous, hairy and fuzzy brown abomination.



You did not sign up for showering with a spider. But you aren't one for dramatics either. The best thing to do is to just hurry up. Leave. Let the spider enjoy the rest of its swim. Leave it bee. And get out of there.


This isn't just a '90s movie. It's probably the only sound that you should make in your entire life. Scream your lungs out. Hope that someone hears you and comes to rescue you from your ill fate. Be sure to wear your towel first, or if you don't mind someone seeing you naked, just scream for help. What do you have to lose? Maybe a foot to a spider if they are too late.

Fight Or Swim:

This option pretty much works for all nature lovers. If you don't want to start a murder spree, usher the spider towards the drain and hope that it enjoys swimming and freedom. You never know what hidden talents a spider may have!

My Little Spider:

If you're a possessive nature lover, congratulations. You're just found yourself a new pet. Be sure to name it something cool. I hear spider puns are pretty common on the web.

The Return Of BIG FOOT:

If you're braver than Batman you have come to the right option! As you probably realised, this spider is insignificant to you because you are so much bigger than it, even if it is on steroids. Just step on it with your bare foot, it might feel a bit uncomfortable but it is a good thing that you are in the shower and can wash your foot a million times over of get rid of all the spider guts.

Doomed Face Wash:

Start showering with a can of Doom (bug repellent/killer?). Be sure not to mistake it for deodorant or your fancy new face wash and maybe next time, check your shower before you end up sharing it with another type of arachnid.

Spider Chick:

So we all know that Spiderman got his powers from a spider bite. Well let's see if you can get the same powers. And it obviously is a mutated spider because it can survive the heat of the water! So it's worth a try, worst case is you die if it's poisonous ;)



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