Chapter 7

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Ciara's POV

"I'm making pancakes... And eggs... With a side of baaaaacoooonnn and a bowl of cereal for my baaaaaaaabbbbbbeeee!" I sing. I went to the refrigerator to get the bacon and when I closed the door there was a man standing there with a mask on.

"Ummm... Hello... Can I help you?" I asked, fear in my voice because he has a gun in his hand.

"Yeah... I would like... You... With a side of sex... And money my princess." I recognize that voice. As he starts walking towards me he pulls the trigger but misses so I start screaming.



"HEY! Leave her alone! If you want her, you'll have to get through me first!"

The guy turned around and said

"Well it's too late." Before I blacked out.

Harry's POV

"Well it's too late." He shoots her on the right side of her chest. That's when I lost it.

"You mother fucker! I'm gonna kill you!" I screamed and started punching him as hard as I could, knocking him out. I called 9-1-1 before calling the guys and the girls. When I turned around he was gone.

~at the hospital the guys and girls rush in and because it's 7 in the morning on a Saturday Niall and Louis come in sad because they wanted to sleep in today and because they hope Ciara is okay~

"What happened?" Jael and Mercedes asked so I told them almost everything.

"I'm sorry mate... But she'll be okay, she's a tough girl that one." Louis said with a smile on his face.

~the doctor comes in~

"Doctor is she okay... W-Will she live? When can we see her?" I ask trying to hold back my tears.

"Yes she will be fine and as a matter of fact you can go see her right now. She's awake and that's a first because when people get hit they get into a coma or die because of blood loss so she is very lucky." He says and walks away.

"Harry you go... We are gonna go eat downstairs... Do you want anything?" Louis asked and I say no as they leave.

~walks to her room and opens the door~

"Hey Hazza, what's wrong?" She asks with happiness that turned into worriedness.

"I thought I was gonna lose you... And I can't live without you." I say, starting to cry.

"Oh Harry... You are gonna lose me... But not today... Hopefully when I'm 100 years old... *giggle*... And the doctor said that I can go home today because it's not as big of a deal as he thought it was. Are we still going to prom together?" She said with a smile on her face. I walked towards her, looked into her eyes and kissed her passionately for a good 5 minutes then we pulled away smiling.

"Yes love, we are going to prom together. Did he tell you when?"

"Yeah, he said after I get my medication and a lollypop." She said with a huge smile on her face that tells me, 'I get a candy and you don't HAHA!'

"Ummm... Harry... The guy that did this... I know who he is..." She said looking terrified.

"Who is it?"

"It's my ex boyfriend Joseph..."

"I'll make sure this doesn't happen again... I promise." I said with a smile.

~(Ciara) flashback moment~

"Joseph! Stop! You're hurting me! Why are you doing this to me?! Stoooop!"

~flashback over~

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