Chapter 19

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Ciara's POV

"Is your sister coming babe?"

"No because she is probably not gonna want to come." Harry said, looking at me.

"Too late 'cause she said yes... And she said she misses me... I love you?" I said with a pouty face before he kissed me quickly.

"... Fine! Lets go..." He said, trying not to smile.

~get to his moms beach house that he got her~ ~knock knock~

"I'll get it." I heard Gemma say muffled.

"Omg I missed you soooooo much! How have you been?! Are you two finally going out?! Tell me everything!" She said excitedly as I try to calm her down with a hug. We let go after a little while. Even though she is older than us she can change into a teen within a snap of a finger.

"Hello Mrs. Styles. It's so good to see you again." I said as I hugged Harry's mum.

"Hello Ciara. I've told you many times to call me Anne and it's good to see you too but you all better be going. The longer you wait here the less time you have over there. Take care of them for me dear." She said motioning us to the car.

"I will ma'am." I said as we get to the car and leave.

"Yes Gemma... We are dating." Harry said with a smile looking at her. I look back and see her smiling ear to ear.

"Awwwwww. You guys are so cute. I knew this day was gonna come. When did it happen?" She asked in a daze.

"Yesterday on the beach. It was romantic." I said, looking at her then Harry, they were both smiling.

"Cool... Can I be the wedding planner?" She asked as Harry looked at me with wide eyes. I cleared my throat.

"Umm... Harry?" I said as I grabbed and squeezed Harry's hand.

"Lets wait a little while to answer that, okay Gem? We barely started going out." He said.

"But you guys acted like a couple when you weren't together. Going out now should imply that you guys are gonna get married in a month or two. Right?"

"Well... Yes we did act like that but now that we are together it's just us going farther than what we had basically." I said trying to explain as Harry squeezed my hand.

"So like sex?"

Harry's eyes were huge.

"Gemma it's not about that. It's about two people who love each other being together. That's it. I'm not saying that there isn't gonna be sex because there will be eventually but for now there isn't." I said.

"Oh look we're here!" Harry said, rushing to park and get out of the car.

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