Chapter 14

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Harry's POV

So as we are driving back to the hotel I intertwine Ciara's hands with mine. Jael and Niall are in the back making out while Liam is listening to music and is falling asleep.

~get to the hotel~

We are having another movie night because we had left overs from yesterday so we invited Ashton, Amanda, Luke, Michael, and Calum to come over. We put The Conjuring on. Ashton and Amanda were on one couch, Luke and Michael on the other, Liam and Calum on the floor, Perrie and Zayn on one bed with Mercedes and Louis, and Jael, Niall, Ciara and I on the other. Everyone got their bowl of popcorn, a drink, and some gummy bears.

As we watched the movie I saw Amanda scooting closer to Ashton, Perrie cuddling with Zayn as he cupped his hands around her stomach, Louis and Mercedes were screaming the majority of the time which made everyone else scream as they laughed at their "accomplishment", Niall and Jael would kiss every now and then, Calum, Liam, Luke, and Michael jumped every now and then and tried to play it of by stretching or something, and Ciara was sitting on my lap with her head on my chest and whenever she got scared I would squeeze her and pull her closer to me. None of the guys had shirts on and all the girls were in shorts and tank tops.

~after the movie~

"Can we stay here for the night? Our manager just called and told us that he forgot to get us a hotel." Said Luke when he finished talking on the phone.

"Yeah sure. Do you guys need any clothes?"

"Um... Sure if it isn't a bother?" Said Calum.

"Naw it isn't. And Amanda can borrow something from the girls. Right?" I asked looking back at them as they nodded.

Everyone got changed. We told Amanda and Ashton that they could stay with us and Michael, Luke and Calum would stay with the others. It was barely 12 and no one was tired so we played spin the bottle.

Niall and Jael would make out every now and then, so would Perrie and Zayn, Mercedes got dared to give Louis a lap dance, Calum got dared to run in the hallway saying "I'm gay and I know it!"

Michael and Luke got dared to see who could finish a bottle of vodka faster, Luke won. Liam, Louis, Niall, Zayn and I got dared to put on a dress and strut in the hallway to our songs, and the girls, other than Perrie, had to make 10 drinks (of their choice) and they had to chug them as fast as they could, Ciara and Jael won but were kind of woozy after.

Ashton, Luke, Calum, and Michael got dared to get their make up done by the girls, put a wig on, wear a dress and heels, and go downstairs to the lobby to flirt with the bell boy, Luke and Ashton did the best flirting. Luke and Michael slurred their words a lot because of the drink and we all laughed. We headed back to the room and sat down where we were.

~ring ring~

Ciara looked at her phone, picked it up and walked to the bathroom "Hello?.... Who is this?... WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! I told you we were over a long time ago Joseph!"

I hear her say. I rush to the restroom after about 10 minutes only to see her on the floor crying with a razor in her hand and blood everywhere.

"Stop it Ciara! You are better than that! You are too good of a girl to be doing that!" I say as I take the razor away from her.

"... He wants to talk to you." She says as she looks at me with red eyes, giving me the phone.

"Well hello Harry! It's so nice to finally meet you! Even though you guys have barely been going out for less than a day, you guys acted like a couple before but you know you don't have to lie to her right?! I mean she is worthless already!" Joseph said.

"But listen... You have three days starting today when you wake up to break up with her and give her back to me... Or you're gonna be sorry!"

He finished and the line went dead... Who is he gonna kill?

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