Chapter 32

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Harry's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. It was 5 in the morning. Do I seem like a morning person to you?! Anyways, I looked over to my side and Ciara wasn't there so I assumed she went somewhere with Mercedes and Jael. I picked the phone up after the billionth ring.


"Harry?! Where's Ciara?! Please tell me she's with you! I've been calling her all morning and she isn't answering!" I heard Jael say at the other end. I quickly got up and checked the room.

"She's not here. Where are you guys?!" I asked as I threw on a black v-neck shirt, black jeans, a black 'obey' SnapBack and black Vans.

"We're at the beach. She said she was gonna go get you. Aaron and Jess left to do something. Harry please help us!" I heard her tear up on the other side.

"I'm on my way!" I said, ending the call and leaving. I got to the lobby and ran to the car. I started driving then I got a text.

'Ciara, Jess and I are at the hospital. Our mom got into an accident. -Aaron'

I called Niall and told him what happened. I pulled up to the hospital and walked in only to be greeted by Ciara's arms around me, her eyes filled with tears.

"What happened?" I said as I sat Ciara on my lap.

"M-Mum was d-driving to work and s-she got hit by a t-truck. The d-doctors s-said s-she might not s-survive..." She finished and I pulled her into a tight hug.

Jess and Aaron came over as well, Aaron was trying to be tough for his sisters but broke down after a few minutes. The lads and ladies came rushing in, Mercedes and Jael going straight to Ciara as she got up and hugged them.

"Come on lads. Lets go get the girls some coffe. You wanna come Harry and Aaron?" Ashton said as I shook my head and Aaron did the same.

"Go with them... I'll be fine." Ciara told Jael and Mercedes as they nodded and left with the boys. Aaron left not long after, leaving Ciara and I alone.

"I know Joseph had something to do with it." Ciara said as she sat down.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I sat down next to her.

"Joseph called me today and told me to watch out for everyone I love then he just ended the call." She said as she wiped her tears. I grabbed her and held her in my arms for a few minutes.

"It's okay... She'll be fine..." I said as she shook her head no, her hair moving everywhere.

"No she won't... She's gonna die Haz... What are Aaron and Jess gonna do when she does?"

"They can go to London with us..." I said as she started to think about it. After a few minutes she said okay.

"Hey love. I got you a strawberry frappuccino with a pecan muffin." Jael said handing Ciara the drink and muffin.

"And we got you a white chocolate mocha cappuccino with a pecan muffin boobear." Niall said as we all started laughing and I got my drink and muffin.

"Is the Cortez or Corpuz family here?" We heard a man say behind us, it was the doctor.

"Yes sir. Right here. Come on Aaron." Ciara said as we all sat down while Aaron and Ciara went to talk to the doctor. I was watching them, trying to hear or read their lips but I couldn't. I saw Ciara just drop her smile and start to cry.

"He said... She isn't gonna make it... We have an hour until they turn off her life support..." Aaron said as Ciara sat down with her knees on her chest.

"Come on Ciara... Get up..." I said as I walked over to her but she looked the other way.

"Take my hand. I'll take the lead, and every turn will be safe with me. Don't be afraid, afraid to fall. You know I'll catch you through it all. And you can't keep..." I sang as the others looked at me, hoping I knew what I was doing.

"Even a thousand miles can't keep us apart." I heard Ciara say as she smiled slightly and looked at me. I picked her up by the waist and gave her a piggy back ride to her mom's room.

"Come on... I'll be right there with you." I said as I intertwined my fingers with her's. We walked over to her bed with Aaron and Jess and sat down in the chairs, Ciara was on my lap and Jess was on Aaron's.

"Hi mommy. I got you a flower. It's as pretty as you. I know that you are gonna pass away in a little while but you are gonna go to heaven so I don't need to be sad because I'm gonna see you. I love you mommy." Jess said smiling at her mom as she hugged her and gave her the flower. Her mom was unconscious which would make her passing easy.

"Hi mom... I wanted to say that I love you and that I'm gonna miss you. I was really hoping that you would see me when I graduated from college but I know you will either way. I love you mom and I will never stop." Aaron said as he hugged his mom and kissed her on the forehead.

"Hi mommy... I just wanted to say that I am happy to have seen you one last time before this incident. I wanted to tell you that I love you and that I forgave you a long time ago for what you did. I hope you will watch over us and watch us grow. I'm gonna take Jess and Aaron with me to London so they won't be down here alone. I love you mom and I hope you know that." Ciara said as she got up and kissed her mom on the forehead as well.

"Hello Mrs. Cortez. I want you to know that I am going to take care of your family from now on. I will hurt guys who try to hurt Ciara and Jess like Aaron will and I will help them get their college stuff and house stuff so they don't have to worry about that. It was an honor seeing you again after a long time and I hope you know that I will take care of your daughter *cough* my future wife *cough cough* and I will take care of Aaron and Jess like my mother did to Ciara." I finished as I got up and kissed her forehead. We left the room after everyone talked.

"Ms. Cortez?" A nurse asked as Ciara shot her head back in the direction the nurse was at.

"Your mother wanted me to give you this. It's for Aaron, Jessica, Ciara and Harry I believe. I'm sorry for your loss." She said. Ciara said thank you and we headed back for the hotel.

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