Chapter 13

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Ciara's POV

"Hey Ciara. What song are you and Ashton gonna sing? Since you got here last of course." Louis said with a smirk on his face.

"Let me love you by Mario... If you don't mind Ciara?" Ashton said, looking at me.

"Um... Sure..." I turn my head to see Harry starring at us madly.

"Ash: baby I just don't get it, do you enjoy being hurt? I know you smell the perfume.

Both: the make up on his shirt.

Ciara: you don't believe her stories, you know that their all lies. Bad as you are.

Both: you stick around and I just don't know why.

Ash: if I was your man, baby you'd, never worry 'bout what I do.

Ciara: I'd be coming home back to you, every night doing you right."

We keep singing as I would glance at Harry every now and then and he has anger written all over his face. We finish the song and Harry got up. Ashton sat next to Amanda and I sat on the towel Harry was on.

"So guys. We, One Direction, are gonna sing a song that Harry has dedicated to Ciara because this is how he feels right now... So yeah.." Zayn said. I look up and they are looking at me. I look at Ash and he's smiling 'cause he's going to break up with me after.

"Zayn: He takes your hand, Haz dies a little. He watches your eyes and he's in riddles. Why can't you look at him like that?

Liam: When you walk by he tries to say it. But then he freezes and never does it, his tongue gets tied the words get trapped.

Harry: I hear the beat of my heart getting louder whenever I'm near you.


Harry: He looks at you the way that I would. Does all the things, I know that I could. If only time could just turn back.

Zayn: Cause he's got three little words that he's always been dying to tell you!" I start tearing up.

"All: Oh how I wish that was me...

Harry: With my hands on your waist while we dance in this moonlight! I wish it was me that you'll call later on cause you wanna say goodnight!" They finish the remainder of the song and I'm in tears. Ashton comes over and breaks up with me so I cry even more.

Harry's POV

So Ashton just broke up with Ciara and I feel kinda bad.

"Hey... You okay?" I ask, hugging her tightly to me once I sit down.

"Yeah... They are cute together though." She said with a smile.

"Yeah... Can I do something?" I ask lifting her face up.

"No you can't throw me into the water." She said, smiling before I kiss her and luckily she kissed back. I pick her up and I throw her into the water, I dive in after. Everyone else comes in as well. We are there for a good hour or two.

"Ciara... Will you go out with me? I know I should have asked a long time ago but-" I say as her legs are wrapped around my hips and I'm holding her up. She cuts me off with a kiss.

"Yes Harry... I will." She said before I drop her into the water and go in to "save" her.

"Hey guys! Ciara and I are going out!" I say as I lift her up and spin her around.

"Amanda and I are going out now too!" Ashton said as he holds her close to him.

"CONGRADULATIONS!" Niall smiled.

"Lets go cause its already late..." I say as everyone started getting out of the water.

~get changed, get our stuff and leave for the hotel~

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