Chapter 33

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~at the hotel~

Ciara's POV

I opened the letter and read it aloud, I stuttered every now and then because of how touching it was.

Dear Jessica,

I love you a lot sweetie. I know I am not going to be there to show you how to ride a bike or how to braid your hair but I will always be right next to you through everything, like your guardian angel. Ciara and Aaron are going to take care of you from now on and they will teach you what they know and help you with homework. Please don't bug them too much sweetie especially Ciara. I know you want to get to know her but you can know here through the years. She will always be there for you and Aaron from now on. I'm sorry you didn't meet her but she left because I was being mean. Remind Ciara and Aaron about the 15th birthday party you want and the sweet 16. I hope you like it in London when you move with Ciara and Aaron and if AJ gets a girlfriend be NICE to her. I will miss you so much sweetie! I will always love you and be by your side. If you ever feel like you want to talk to me just talk and I will listen, okay? I will watch you grow up and blossom from the little seed you are to the beautiful rose you will be. I hope you get along with your siblings from now on and remember "P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney" for me okay? Everything will be alright. Remember when you asked me why people die? Well here is the answer. It is a part of life. It also means a new beginning and you shouldn't be scared. Everyone has to go through it and now is my time. I will love you forever and ever my darling Jessica and I will miss you.

Love, Mommy.

I looked at the second paper and read that one out loud too.

Dear Aaron,

I know you and I didn't get along too well after your sister left but we were still close. I want you to go to college next year and get a masters in the medical field. Follow your dreams and never give up. "Stay hungry, Stay foolish." While you are in London explore the place and sight see with your sisters. Bond with your sisters because you never know when it will be their last day. Make everyday count and don't give up on love. When Ciara left you still loved her and even to this day you do, I saw the picture of you two under your pillow the other day that said "I love you sis" written on the back. You never gave up on her so why give up on others. Don't be mean to your sisters and actually take CARE of them and cherish every moment. Smile more often, which I know you will because of Ciara, or else you will age faster! Just kidding but every time you laugh you get days added to your life. Live with your sisters and go to college instead of getting a dorm because they need you right now. Take care of them for me and your father and do the things we never did with you three. Teach Jessica how to do skateboard tricks and flips, how to play football and baseball like you said you would. Take the girls out to eat for a family night or stay home and watch a movie together every now and then. Learn from your father and I's mistakes. I hope you listen to the girls when they need you the most. I will love you and miss you forever son.

Love, Mom.

I finished and wiped the tears on Aaron's cheeks then proceeded to the third paper.

Dear Ciara,

I am sorry for telling you all that nonsense when you were younger that caused you to leave. I did care but I didn't want to be a bad mother to the baby girl I had and I was having problems with your father and work at the time. When you left and I found out Anne adopted you I was happy because she could give you a better life than I could. I kept in touch with her all those years and when she took pictures with you in it she would send them to me. I watched you blossom into the beautiful flower you are. When you came home with Harry I was happy and shocked to see you, happy because you came back and shocked that you came back. When Harry said you two are together I screamed in my mind because I knew you two would end up together. I found out that you would cut and starve yourself from Anne when she found out from Harry and it hurt because you seemed so happy and perfect to be doing that. I am sorry that we did not get to have more time than what we did but those few hours was all I needed because I saw you smile and laugh and have fun like I remembered you did. Take care of the kiddos for me, including Harry, because you never know when they could be gone. Love and cherish all the happy, sad, mad, etc. moments that you three have together and teach Jessica new things like how to do a cartwheel, backbend, backbend kick over, etc. Help her get on the cheerleading team or the dance team. Teach her all the things a mother would teach her daughter but at the same time be a sister. Be with her on her first date and get her to look pretty. I love you so much Ciara and I will miss you.

Love, Mom.

I cried my heart out as I got the last paper.

Dear Harry,

Thank you for taking care of my baby girl over the years. I appreciate your family for taking her in to raise her because I couldn't. Tell your mom that I said thank you for everything. I wanted to tell you to love Ciara and show her how to love. I want to hear about a future wedding and baby plans dear! Ciara Styles... That sounds nice doesn't it? Anyways I want you to know that I am always going to be there for everyone and I will make sure no one gets hurt. Please help Ciara if she ever feels like hurting herself. I know how much pain you get into when she does and how bad it must feel for her because I used to do it myself. Help her before she's gone. My friend was beautiful and pretty and perfect but she starved and cut herself a lot because of home problems. She grew paler and skinnier everyday until she ended up in the hospital and passed away two days before her 18 birthday. If you ever need to talk to me or Ciara's father just talk and we will listen. It was nice knowing you and being able to know that she is in good hands. Thank you for everything Harry and please remember to thank your mother for me as well.

Love, Your Future Mother-In-Law. P.S. If you hurt my little girl, Jessica and Aaron will hurt you back.

I looked at everyone and they were in heavy tears. Harry was wiping away the tears in his eyes frantically. I leaned towards Harry as I wiped his tears away slowly and made him breathe slower. He calmed down and I wiped Aaron's tears away slowly making him do the same as Harry. After he was done Jessica was next to follow the process but she cried herself to sleep by the time I got to her and we arrived at the flat.

(Picture is of Aaron and Ciara when they were younger.)

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