Chapter 12

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Ciara's POV

So I woke up on one bed, Niall and Jael on the other, Liam on one couch and Harry on the other.

I decided to get changed for the day. Not long after, Jael and Liam woke up and started getting ready.

"So what are we going to do today?" I asked.

"We can go to the beach? And after that to the mall. Why are you going out with Ash? You said that you don't like him like that and he said the same about you." Jael said.

"He wants to get Amanda to be with him and Ciara wants Harry to be with her. So they are, basically, using each other to get who they want. But it's a clean relationship and friendship so nothing will be awkward between them." Liam said with a smile.

"Oooooohhhh... Cool." Jael said as she nodded.

"But don't tell Harry. Lets wake the boys up and the others so we can get ready." I said as I opened the bathroom door that was in between the two rooms.

"Hey guys!" I screamed as I went into the room and jumped in between Perrie and Zayn. I got up once they woke up and did the same with Mercedes and Louis. The boys in my room were awake.

"I have something to say... Lets go to the beach, each. Lets go get away. They say what they gonna say. have a drink, clink, found the bud light. Bad bitches like we is hard to come by!" I sang as Mercedes and Jael joined in.

"STARSHIPS WERE MEANT TO FLY! HANDS UP AND TOUCH THE SKY. CAN'T STOP, CAUSE WE'RE SO HIGH! LETS DO THIS ONE MORE TIME!" We sang and the boys joined in, as well as Perrie. We started getting ready after singing the whole song,

We are supposed to meet the guys from 5SOS at the beach. And Ashton told me that Amanda wants to go out with him, I told him to act like we are going out for just today then to break up with me in front of Harry.

"Hey guys! We haven't seen you guys in a long time!" Louis said, taking me out of my thoughts and talking for everyone. We look in the direction Louis was looking as we smiled and waved. Amanda was there but she was just a "friend" who knew about the plan and didn't mind.

"Hey Louis, Liam, Niall, Zayn, Harry, Mercedes, Jael, Perrie, and Ciara. We missed you guys. Ashton missed Ciara the most though." Luke said, Ashton started blushing in the end.

Everyone but Harry knew the plan so they went along with it.

"Hey baby. I missed you so much. You look very hot." Ash said as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"You too baby. How've you been?" I asked as we started going to our spot on the beach and had a conversation.

I looked at Harry and his eyes didn't look green... They looked grey like he was angry, which he was.

~We get to our spot on the beach~

Harry's POV

I'm not going to blame her, Ashton is nice and all but I always thought it would be us. I'm not gonna give up though. I need to show her that I am right for her and that I should be with her.

I sat down on the beach and see Ciara and Ashton fighting then Ciara goes to the car and starts crying. Ashton turned around and sat next to Amanda. I followed her to see what happened.

Ciara's POV

I see Harry coming to the car door and he tapped on the window. I lowered the window.

"Hey... What's up?" I say, trying to hold back the "tears" I had in my eyes.

"Don't try covering up what you feel. What happened? Open the door and tell me." He said, looking into my eyes with his beautiful green orbs that make me melt.

~I open the door~

"Get up..." He said. I got up as he sat down on the seat and pulled me towards him so I could sit on his lap.

"I found out that he likes Amanda... Who can blame him... She's prettier and funnier anyways." I said, actually meaning it because its true.

Fact time:

Amanda is one of my friends from middle school. She has curly, light brown hair and hazel eyes. She has had a crush on Ashton and Ashton on her since they meet in 6th grade and haven't stopped liking each other ever since.

"No she's not. You're way more funny, beautiful, smart, loving, huggable, and kissable than her." He said with a stern face.

We sat in the car for a while talking about random stuff: food, clothes, glasses, shoes, colors, unicorns, rainbows, butterflies, etc. I could be myself around him no matter what and that's what I loved the most about him. After a while we decided to walk back to the beach.

"Don't worry about Ashton. He doesn't know what he is missing out on. Okay?" He said as I nodded and we talked. He tripped and fell on his face which made me burst out laughing, which turned into tears. He got up and shoved me into the sand too.

"I don't think sand is your color. But now we are even." He said as he helped me up and we proceeded to walk.

For All Time (Completed)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora