Chapter 34

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~get to the flat~

Ciara's POV

We got to the flat and AJ was holding Jessica in his arms. Liam was the first person I saw when I entered the flat. I ran to him beforr he hugged me, I had stopped crying earlier but I started crying again.

"What happened mate?" He asked Harry, he handed Liam the letters. Liam read the letters as he hugged me tighter.

"I'm sorry Ciara. Where's AJ?" He asked before Harry told him he is upstairs putting Jessica on the bed.

We finally let go and decided to change the subject. Louis and Niall being the so called "mature ones" wanted us to play COD. Jael was on Niall's lap with Mercedes on Louis' lap on one side and Harry and I on the other. The other lads and ladies left to do something that made me not care and Aaron went to his girlfriend's house.

"Ciara you cheated!" Niall snapped at me after about 10 minutes of playing.

"How did I cheat?! I won fair and square!" I snapped back. Louis and Harry were in an argument of their own, as were Mercedes and Jael.

"You used everyone else as a shield so you wouldn't die! That's cheating!" He screamed.

"Oh stop your complaining and make me a sandwich leprechaun! That was the deal between the both of us so HA!" I said as he stuck his tongue out and headed for the kitchen.

"No my relationship is cuter!" I heard Louis say. I shot my head to where him and Harry are.

"No mine is!" Harry screamed back as they continued to argue. I looked at Jael and Mercedes and they were arguing too.

"My gun is better because it's bigger than yours!" Mercedes screamed as Jael gasped over exaggeratedly. I laughed as Niall came in with a sandwich for him and I and sat down next to me.

"What are they arguing about?" He said in between bites.

"The girls about their guns and the boys about who's relationship is better... They are so childish. And shouldn't it be the other way around?" I said as Niall and I looked at each other and laughed, causing everyone to look at us.

"And what are you two laughing at Mr. Horan and Mrs. future Styles?" Louis said as I blushed madly so I put my head on my hands and laughed even harder, as did Niall. Harry came over and made things worse by tickling me.

"I'm.... Not.... Responsible.... For.... Your.... Bruises.... Or.... Cuts.... Mr..... Styles!" I said, practically drowning of laughter. I could hear the other girls laughing so I knew that the other boys were tickling them.

"You wouldn't hurt me Mrs. Styles! Never in a million years!" He said as he stopped and got on me. I tried pushing him off but he stopped me by kissing me. My eyes fluttered close as he made the kiss deeper.

"Get a room you two!" I heard Niall say as we all started to laugh and Harry got off. We went off to playing again and fighting after every game. The others came back while we were having a tickle war.

"And here we have the famous tickle war. But watch out because you can die instantly if not prepared." I hear Liam say.

I pulled Liam down towards the girls and I and we started tickling him. Everyone joined in afterwards and we had a blast. After all the wars were done we decided to eat. Jael, Mercedes, Sophia and I made the food while half of the boys set the table and cleaned and the other half went shopping, Louis, Liam, Harry and Niall stayed with Mercedes, Sophia, Jael and I while the others were at the store.

"We should watch Ride Along today... I downloaded it yesterday and it seems like a good movie." Jael said as Niall kissed her cheek and neck.

Harry came over and did the same but he turned me to face him, Mercedes, Louis, Sophia and Liam watched in "disgust" while we laughed. The rest of the crew came and we ate.

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