Chapter 15

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Louis' POV

I saw Harry rush to the restroom. After a few minutes I got curious so I walked over there and opened the door.

"What in the bloody hell happened in here? Who fucking died?" I snap because of all the blood on the floor and sink. I guess I said it too loud because the other guys came and saw what I was looking at. Harry was on the floor holding Ciara tightly to his body, with a wet towel on her wrist, while she was crying and shaking because he wanted to calm her down. Harry told everyone to leave, that's when I saw the scars on her back. It spelled something. Finally figuring out what it was I asked.

"Who's Joseph and why did he leave you those scars?"

"Get out Louis... Now!" Harry said with an angry face and tone in his voice.

"No... He already knows... Come here Louis and shut the door..." Ciara said, almost whispering. She turned around so she could be facing me. She was bleeding from her wrists and the blood dripped onto her hips, thighs and the floor. She had blood all over her clothes. I felt bad for her, and especially for Harry cause he doesn't like seeing her in pain. It kills him because he is deeply in love with her.

Ciara's POV

I told Louis and Harry the story.

"So when I was 16 I met this guy... His name was Joseph... He was 19. We started dating then after about four months he moved into my house. A month after he moved in he started drinking and cheating on me. Which led him to beating me, punching, slapping me, spitting on me, kicking me, raping me, and eventually... Cutting me." I finished then Louis asked.

"Why do you have his name on your back?"

"Leave Louis. You don't need to know that. Just leave her alone." Harry said, his voice squeaked a little.

"It's okay baby... it's not a problem... One night I came home from Jael's house around 10 at night. He thought I was cheating on him. He beat me up until I couldn't walk." I finished and took a breath as Harry pulled me closer to comfort me.

"He took me to our room by my arm, flipped me over on the bed so my back was facing him, he made me take my shirt off, then he tied me to the bed, got a razor and started saying 'If you ever cheat on me I'll find out and I'll make you pay! I don't want to do this but you are affecting our relationship!'" Tears were coming out of my eyes by the time I finished this sentence. Louis and Harry even started to cry.

"As he carved his name... I was screaming in pain telling him to stop and trying to make him stop. Once he was done he stood up, went to the door, turned around and said 'Now you will always be mine. And you can't escape from it.' And left. I hadn't seen him since until he shot the right side of my chest and he called me."

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