Chapter 37

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~2 weeks later~

Harry's POV

I woke up to Ciara screaming. I went to the bathroom and she had her phone.

"He's gonna let me stay a little longer." She said with a huge smile. I took the phone and read the message. Joseph let her stay for 2 more weeks because he was busy and today was going to be her last day.

'You can stay a little longer because I need some time to set your room. ~Joseph.'

"Well that's great." I said. I hugged her tightly and we ran downstairs.

"I get to stay a little while longer." She screamed. Mercedes and Jael eked and ran to Ciara.

"We need to have a day out." Mercedes said with a huge smile. She dragged Ciara and Jael to the door.

"We have to get ready Mercy. Calm down." Jael said, motioning to Ciara and her's pajamas.

"Oh... Right... Hurry." Mercedes said sternly. She walked over to Louis who was making food and whispered something.

"Niall. Harry. Get ready because we are going out for a guy day." Louis said once the girls ran upstairs.

"But-" Niall and I started.

"No buts, ifs or whats. Ha ha... Butt." He said and laughed.

"For the eldest you are really immature." I said. He walked over to me and flicked my forehead. Niall and I ran upstairs to get ready as well.

"Should I wear this... or this?" Ciara asked. She lifted up a pink crop top with a matching mini skirt and a black crop top with high wasted shorts.

"The second one." I said and pecked her lips. She blushed then ran to the bathroom.

"You okay?" I asked once she finished puking.

"Yeah... A little dizzy... Maybe 'cause of all the food we had last night." She said with a reassuring smile. She changed while I changed. She put her hair in a bow on top of her head.

"Bye baby. I will text you every now and then okay?" She said before kissing my cheek and leaving.

"Hurry guys!" Louis screamed from downstairs. I raced Niall down the stairs until he landed on his face on the last step. Louis and I started to laugh before Niall got up and punched the two of us.

"It's not funny." He said as he rubbed his nose.

"Oh shut up rudolph. Lets go." I said. Louis was still laughing by the time we got to the car and left.

"Where are we going exactly?" I asked.

"We are going to get some tuxedos and make resurvations at a fancy restaurant. Tomorrow we are taking the girls to our concert in the US." Louis said, not taking his eyes off the road like he usually does then gives everyone a heart attack.

I think I'd have a heart attack.....

"Wow... Deja vu." I said and chuckled lightly.

"What is?" Lou said, looking at me for a long time.

"Look at the road. I was thinking about how you give all of us a heart attack when you don't look at the road. Then Heart Attack by Demi Lovato came on." I said with a light chuckle. We arrived at the tuxedo place thingy. We walked inside and there was a lady at the register.

"Hello. My name is Margrett. What do you 3 gentlemen need?" She asked and ended with a smile.

"We would like to get tuxedos please." Niall said. She led us to 3 different fitting rooms.

"Hello? Hi. I would like to make reservations... Mhm... Niall... Horan... Okay... 9... Thank you." Niall said from the room next to mine.

"Hello? Can I have an appointment for today in about an hour? There are 3 of us... Yes... Yes... Okay... Thank you." Louis said from the other room. We got fited then left to the salon.

"No. Anything but the... scissors." I said over exageratedly. I was sitting on a chair with a girl who was about 17 years old.

"Aww... He's flirting with me. How about dinner tonight at my place?" She asked.

"Sorry... I have a girlfriend." I said. She shrugged and trimmed my tips.

"You can go and wait at the shampoo area while I get something." She said. I placed my head on the rest once I sat down. She came back with a blind fold, shampoo and conditioner. She tied the blind fold around my head so it was on my eyes then started the water. She finished shampoo and conditioning my hair. I started to get up but she firmly planted her lips on mine and straddled. I didn't feel anything but I still kissed her. She started grinding a bit and I hardend under her.

"Haz?" I heard a voice. The girl got up and giggled before I untied the blind fold. Ciara.

"I came by to see how the hair cut was going... I'm gonna go now..." She said with a sigh and walked to the door.

"No Ciara." I said and followed her out.

"It wasn't what it looked like."

"Then what was it Harry? I'm fixing to leave in a little while and you are already getting someone. You cannot tell me it was nothing in there when that happened." She said pointing at my raised pants.

"Maybe this isn't working out. Aaron was right." She said calmly.

"What isn't working out?"

"Our relationship. I was willing to wait for you until I returned but obviously you don't care. I'm sorry but I don't wanna play a game that you are really good at. I have stayed loyal and you are the only guy who I have given my heart to. You throw my heart away like it's a wrapper. Bye Harry." She said and started walking in the opposite direction.

"I'm sorry Ciara. Don't do this. I love you Ciara." I begged and pleaded but she drove off. I went back inside the salon, paid and walked out. I raced to her house and I am pretty sure I am going to get a ticket.

"Ciara!" I screamed once I got into the house. There was a note on the table.

'Hey love. If you get home before me there are a few things I need to tell you. I love you, obviously, there are some chocolate covered strawberries in the fridge and I love you, again. ~Ciara.'

I heard movement upstairs and realized it's Ciara because she cussed. I walked quietly up the stairs and stood outside of her door. Stalkerish right?

"Hey Joseph... I'm ready to leave now... Can you pick me up tomorrow?" She said before I stormed into the room.

"She is not ready to go with you. Bye." I said and hung the phone up.

"Leave me alone Harry." She said before walking to her closet and grabbing clothes. I pulled her to me and kissed her.

"Did I not just say leave me alone?" She snapped at me after she slapped me. Big mistake.

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