Part II • Chapter X

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I had made a huge miscalculation. Again. The signs had been there all along, even before McCoy became involved, but Sean and I had missed them due to sheer ignorance.

Astral projection. I should have known, but I had never imagined that projection could have been used in a way to communicate with the dead.

As a child, I had ignored her talk of it as dreams or imaginary friendships. Now? I realized how blind I had been this whole time. There were so many signs that I had missed.

Our little bird, and our greatest regret.

But she was alive, and here, and she didn't seem to remember us at all.

I wanted to see what had happened, but I had made her a promise. Even if she didn't remember it, I wouldn't go back on my word to never use my abilities on her. I already broke one promise that I had made to her, I wouldn't do another.

Still, it killed me not knowing. What had happened since the last night that I saw her? That terrible night when she begged me to stay with her, but I left anyway. I left in order to spare her more pain, but I completely and utterly failed.

Then the next time I saw Sean, he told me that that was the night she disappeared. Taken. Kidnapped from a prison, but still. We didn't understand the full implications at the time, since we were children ourselves. However, the fact remained that Sean and I had been the only one to know where Diana Gentreau's child was, or that she even existed at all.

I had made the decision at the time to not talk about our discovery, and our failure to protect her. It was our fault, my fault - if we had gone to an adult, the authorities, and told them who she was back then, then none of this would have happened.

In an attempt to right the wrongs done to that family, upon joining the Academy I had confessed to Roman Gentreau. We had assumed she was long deceased at the time, otherwise my father should have been able to find her.

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