Part III • Chapter V

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Gather, Collect, Dispose

Gather, Collect, Dispose

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"Greg!" I jovially called out the second I spotted him stumbling into the path in front of us.

I couldn't have been happier at our sudden stroke of luck. Luke, also, had lit up beside me - excited. Finally, we had found him.

Greg froze and stared at us, like a deer caught in headlights. "Fuck!" He muttered under his breath, and attempted to turn on this heels and run the opposite direction. It would have been almost comical except for the fact that this was Greg, and he had assaulted Sang.

There was no way he would be escaping his fate, not today. And so, predictably, he didn't get more than a step before Luke was already in front of him, cutting off his exit.

"I don't think so, asswipe." Luke held his blade inches from Greg's throat.

In the meantime, I had come up behind Greg as I put my spear away for the moment - it wouldn't be needed for this kind of job. Greg's action had earned him some personal one-on-one time with us before his death. The first step would be intimidation. In this instance, my height would be an advantage, because Greg was quite short in comparison to me.

I used said height to appear more menacing, and spoke with a faux calm. Greg had been roaming free long enough. "We've been looking for you."

"Yeah!" Luke smirked at him evilly, so cruelly that I was almost stunned out of the state of mind that I had worked myself into. Well, at least he had no qualms about what we would be doing.

As for me - the more Eric had spoken, the more my fury had snowballed. Now my anger towards Greg had almost become a tangible thing inside of me. And it was not only for not only assaulting Sang, but it was because it seemed as though he honestly believed that he could get away with it.

It boggled my mind that Greg seemed to think so little of his actions - because it had been clear from Eric's words that he had no remorse at all.

As if walking around in a towel was a reason to sexually assault someone.

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