Anime mix part one

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Let's start with this without wasting time for talking. You know the drill - updates on weekends. Enjoy.

Y/n was a seven-year-old member of the L/n family. His father John was a CEO of a trade company, his mom Mary worked as a piano teacher in middle school. Y/n had two older sisters – ten-year-old Diane and eight-year-old Samantha. He loved both of them very much. His parents claimed he was a mix of his sister's characters. He loved to learn new things and was very smart, but also was stubborn and rebellious. Just like Diane he loved rock n' roll and old cars. He cared for good grades like Sam.

Y/n, despite young age, had many things to do. He played piano, guitar and drums, practiced martial arts, he was a member of a basketball team. His parents thought it was too much for a young boy but he didn't want to leave any of his practices. He wanted his parents and sisters to be proud of him.

Right now his family was supporting him in his exam for a black belt in karate. When his name was called he walked up to the older guy he was about to fight. They both bowed and after straitening up and taking their fighting stance the judge gave them sign to start. Y/n decided to set a quick pace from the beginning. He was training hard for this day and he was determined to win. He jumped beck avoiding the kick of his opponent and kicked him making him fall down. Y/n held him making it impossible to move. Then Y/n was announced to receive the black belt. Soon they were out for dinner to celebrate.

-I'm proud of you son. - said John.

-Now if any boy will break my sister's heart I can beat him up. -smiled Y/n.

Time skip

Y/n was in school sitting at his desk. He liked being left alone. Some bullies tried messing up with him but he kicked their asses so they were forced to leave him alone. Suddenly his sisters walked in his class. Diane sat on his desk.

-Still sleepy?-asked Sam.

-I was born sleepy.-he answered.

-That's actually true.-smiled Diane.-We brought you sweets-she handed him a bad of chocolate bars, sweets and chips.

-Dad would be mad if he knew that.-said Y/n.

-Don't worry. We're your big sisters and we will spoil you.-said Sammy and ruffled his hair. Y/n smiled.


Time skip

-Daddy why?-whined Y/n and Diane together. They tried to convince their father to go to Judas Priest's show in their town. Since they were still kids they couldn't go by themselves.

-You're too young to go. - Diane winked at her brother and he seeing the sign started to tear up.

-B-but *sniff* we wanted to go*sniff* we were good the whole month*sniff*...-John started to panic.

-Ok fine I will take you with me.

Diane hugged her little brother and walked to his room with him. When they were out of John's sight they high-fived.

Time skip

Today Y/n was called to the principal's office. He sighted and made his way there trying to remind himself what had he done this time. Turned out it wasn't as serious as he thought. There was a boy sitting on a chair in front of principal's desk.

-This is Murasakibara Atsushi, he's new here. I want you to help him make friends and please make sure the bullies won't bother him.-said the principal. Y/n nodded in response and walked up to the purple-haired boy.

-I'm Y/n L/n. -Atsushi stood up. "Damn he's tall" thought Y/n. They walked out of the office. Y/n had no idea how to befriend Murasakibara since he wasn't talkative or even a bit interested in what he said to him. He took two chocolate bars out of his backpack and handed one to Atsushi.

-Thanks.-he said and took the treat.

Since that day Y/n had someone to help him with all the sweets his sisters gave him.

Time skip

-Which high school do you choose?-asked Akashi. Y/n was a part of Generation of Miracles. Akashi took interest in Y/n after he found out he couldn't predict Y/n 's moves.

-I don't know. I want to go to Yosen with Atsushi, but my father suggests Rakuzan.

-I would appreciate your help in basketball team.

-You don't need help Seijurou. If I was about to pick the one who needs help it would be Kuroko.

-True, but you're a beast on the court. Even Daiki can't keep up with your speed. I will give you best possibilities.

-But it would be boring. With two of us and three Uncrowned Kings we would beat anybody. What's the point of walking out then?-Seijurou smiled.

-Right. I forgot you like the thrill.

-I haven't felt it in a while you know?

-Fine. Go wherever you want, and don't disappoint me. I want to taste the failure from you only.

-Fair enough. I will show you how is it to lose.

One shots vol.II (Seme male reader x Various)Where stories live. Discover now