SMR x Crowley x Castiel part II - Halloween Special

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You want it? You got it. Hope it's not as shitty as I feel it is. Enjoy.


3rd POV

Y/n and Crowley were walking down the street. They just killed Y/n's former bully and took care of the rest of people, who were once called 'friends' by Y/n. Crowley was impressed and slightly shocked, when he saw the amount of anger Y/n had for them. He was cruel and savage. Who would have thought?

-What is your plan for now, my King?-asked Crowley. Y/n thought for a moment before he decided to answer.

-Tomorrow's Halloween. Let's throw a party. Here.

-I'm not sure it's possible, my Lord. We would be in danger, because angels...

-Are you opposing me?-asked Y/n in low voice. The way he looked at Crowley made him change his mind immediately.

-Of course not. – smiled Crowley. – We will make the best Halloween party in centuries.

-Good. Now get to work.

Time skip

Crowley was angry and irritated by the behavior of the rest of the demon's. They couldn't understand how, and why, did Crowley decided to make Y/m the king of Hell. It wasn't their job to think, but to work! But all Crowley heard was complaining, and the preparations of the party were getting delayed. They haven't seen what Crowley had. If they failed, Y/n would kill all of them, starting with Crowley.

-Not there you asshat! The food is meant to be placed on this table! – Crowley was getting more and more frustrated, when suddenly Y/n appeared behind him.

-How is it going? – he asked. Crowley jumped at his voice behind him and quickly turned to face his king.

-Perfectly fine, my Lord. Everything will be ready in an hour.

-Good. I want it perfect. If someone will fuck up, you'll be first to be punished for that.

-Yes, sir.

Y/n was busy with preparing a guest list. He was taking his time, he wanted to be sure that he picked right people. Of course, how could he forget about his ex? He invited him with a companion. He had something special up in his sleeve. Y/n also made sure all of the people, who at least once was nice to him was invited too. In fact he wanted to reward them for all of the pain they received. He understood them well. Y/n decided that this was what he wanted to do, to protect and help the ones who were as broken as him. They needed that.

-Sir, we are done with all the preparations. The first guests should be here in few minutes.

-Good job Crowley. I have another thing for you to do. I want three men and two women in my harem.

Time skip

The party was going fine. Y/n wore expensive suit and made some talk with his guests. He saw his ex dancing with some guy he brought along and smiled slightly. He had very good time.

-Y/n what are you doing? – asked familiar voice. Y/n smiled slyly and turned to face his former Guardian Angel.

-Hello Castiel. I would say it's nice to see you if you were invited. As for your question, well, I have some things to clear with those guys. Don't interfere please.

-That's why I'm here. Heaven is looking for you. You are killing people.

-And I will kill an angel, unless he will shut up and leave. And after I'd be done with you I'd wipe off every single angel, no matter where they are. So I'm asking for the last time. Walk. Away.

Castiel wanted to force Y/n to stop his plans, but there was too many people and demons around. He couldn't get to be alone with him, so using an angel blade was almost impossible. At some point the music was turned down and Y/n walked up to Crowley, who handed him a microphone.

-Ladies and gentleman. – started Y/n – You probably wonder why are you all here, and how did I change that much since the last time you saw me. Well, I became a king of Hell. Those guys in suits are demons. Now, if anybody will try to run away, will be killed this instant. Demons are watching the door so none of you is able to leave without my permission. – Y/n took a sip of his drink and continued with his speech. – I want to thank the ones, who helped me at least once, especially during school. I did something to make your days easier. I killed the jocks. Their souls are in Hell now, I will make sure they will have plenty of attractions. And now you, B/n. Your cheating ass deserves something special. After all I loved you for two years. Since you like to have different things in your ass, and you don't actually care where they came from, you will have your personal chamber in my palace. It will be in dungeon. Every day a different demon will come to you and have their fun with you, so technically you will be having sex all the time! Isn't that great?

B/n tried to run, but he was grabbed by Y/n guards and taken straight to Hell. The rest of the guests had a problem with figuring out what to do. When the music started to play again some of them were walking up to Y/n and asking him if they could become demons too and serve him. Y/n was smiling and accepting them. Crowley, on the other hand, was astonished. Y/n got so many souls without any contracts or favors. They just followed him. Y/n was indeed talented. If Heaven got him, they would have a very powerful weapon in their hands.

-So, Castiel. I didn't kill anybody. At least now. – said Y/n smiling brightly.

-You took them to Hell!

-But they are alive. – Y/n shrugged. – I don't care about Heaven. Stop bothering me.

-Someday you will find your mate Y/n. And what will they say when they will see what you have become?

-Simple. They will be delighted when they will see how awesome and sexy I am. I'm not interested in being a tamed soldier, who does only what he's told. No. I do as I please, because I can. No-one will stop me. And I suggest you to remember that.

-My King? – interfered Levi, he was a member of Y/n's harem.- The show is ready. – Y/n smiled and nodded.

-Now excuse me. I have some horny demons to fuck. – said Y/n and left.

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