Lelouch x Enemy Soldier!Male!Reader

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Hello, that's me again. This week was full of new one shots (at least here). Another weekend serves another update. This idea is from  BdbLuck, thank you and I'm waiting for more.Enjoy.

3rd POV

Lelouch woke up tied up and blindfolded on the cold floor. Last thing he remembered was that he laid down to sleep. He was confused with his state at first, but apart from that, he was calm. He tried to listen to his surroundings. He heard shooting in the distance, and water dripping from something near him. Lelouch tried to pull the blindfold off, but it was tied tightly around his head.

Suddenly he heard footsteps. Lelouch decided it would be the best to pretend to be asleep, so that's what he did. Then he heard the sound of metal door opening. Three people went in the room, where Lelouch was kept in. One of them poured the bucket of cold water on the prisoner. Lelouch couldn't prepare himself for sudden wave of cold. He coughed trying to get some air. The blindfold was torn off of his head. Lelouch whimpered in pain when one of the men kicked his jaw so hard, it made him fly back and spit some blood out of his mouth.

-Finally woke up, sleeping beauty. – said the one, who poured water on Lelouch. – Took your time.

-What do you want? – barked Lelouch.

-Easy there, we just want to talk. – said the guy, who kicked him.

-About what?

-Preferably about your strategy for the next three battles with our military. – said the third one. He was quiet and collected. His comrades were using force against Lelouch, while this man was watching him with his piercing e/c eyes. – Will you talk willingly, or should I let my friends here convince you?

Time skip

Lelouch had no idea how long he was tortured in the room next to his cell. He was covered in blood coming from his cuts, and he was quite sure he had at least one broken rib. Two men threw him back in the room and locked the door. He had big problems with breathing and moving. Lelouch tried to fall asleep, but the pain was waking him up all the time. When he heard the cling of the metal lock and the sound of opening the door, he tensed immediately. Lelouch wanted to look up and check who it was, but he decided against it. He figured out, he shouldn't do anything, that could get the people, who kept him captive, mad.

-Can you sit up? – asked the collected man from before. Lelouch tried to move but he failed.

-N-no...-he whimpered in response.

The man set something on the floor and walked up to Lelouch. He kneeled in front of him and helped him sit up carefully. The mysterious man leaned Lelouch back against the wall. Then he took the bowl of water and started cleaning his wounds. Then he handed him glass of water and a bread.

-Eat up. – said the man and patched him up.

-W-why are you helping me? – asked Lelouch.

-First of all, I don't really work for these bastards. My goal when I joined military was to help the citizens of the countries they are attacking.

-I'm an Emperor of Britain. I can get you in my military forces, if you help me. – said Lelouch in hope, the man would make his escape possible. The man seemed to think about it for a second.

-Your proposition seems fair. – he answered . – I'll come back for you at two in the morning.

Time skip

Lelouch waited for his rescue. He didn't have any clock here, or access to sun, so he had no idea what time it was. He took short naps to help the time pass. He woke up with the sound of the door opening. He looked up and saw his new ally. He walked in the room and wrapped a jacket around Lelouch. Then he picked him up.

-Keep quiet, the soldiers are sleeping, but the guards are still around. In case anyone saw us, you're putting the hood on and say you're a new cadet. Clear?

-Yeah, but I don't really think they would believe in this.

-Trust me. I work here long enough to know they are complete numbskulls. – with that the man made his way to the door.

-Wait. – said Lelouch. – I didn't get your name.

-Y/n L/n. Now let's go.

Y/n and Lelouch went through the corridors. They were lucky, no one appeared on their way. Y/n made a stop and opened the hidden door.

-You first. Crawl to the end of the tunnel. – said Y/n. Lelouch nodded and went in the tunnel. Y/n was right behind him. They were going through the tunnel under the base. It was made to make quick escape in case of losing the base. Y/n apparently made other use of that.

After a while they were out of the soldiers reach. Lelouch led the way to the closest base of his soldiers, and they sent the king and his comrade to the palace.

Time skip

Y/n joined Lelouch's forces and became his closest guard. They both made great use of the night time, when Y/n was standing in front of Lelouch's bedroom, guarding them.

-I love you Y/n – said Lelouch after they made love.

-I love you too. – smiled Y/n. – Can it be ever better?

-Yeah. I'm pregnant.

One shots vol.II (Seme male reader x Various)Where stories live. Discover now