Student!Levi x Teacher!Male!Reader

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This one is an idea from Ayathecrazykiller. Thank you for giving me ideas then my mind is blank. Enjoy.

Levi walked into the classroom. He knew other students were staring at him. He hated the fact that he was poor and didn't have money for a good phone or new clothes. His mom worked her ass of in the shop, he never met his father. The only thing he knew about him was that he was his mom's high school sweetheart. Levi didn't have anything to worry about when it comes to girls. All of them thought he was a scum, so none of them payed him attention. Not that he complained, he was gay anyway. When it comes to boys in his school, well...those who were straight were of course out of his reach. Those who were gay thought he was worthless.

Levi sat at his desk and waited for the lesson to start. Today the class was about to meet their new English teacher. Few seconds after the bell rang he went in the classroom. The man was tall and handsome. Levi's eyes widened. Their new teacher looked pretty young. He threw the class register on this desk. It landed with a loud 'thud' and immediately brought the attention of all the students on him.

-Hello class, nice to see you paying attention to who and when walks into that room!-he boomed. Boys shut up, girls were shivering, some out of fear, some out of pleasure.- My name's Y/n L/n I'm your new teacher. Few rules to remember and obey, no phones or other devices, no talking unless I asked the question, no cheating on tests-I will fail you if I catch you, taking notes from the lesson is your job - I won't give you prepared notes, assignments are one of the most important things for you, if you forget to write it on time, you're not able to give it to me other day. This lesson is not about language, it's about culture. I will teach not only about poetry but about books, movies and paintings. You will know the meaning of them and learn no notice symbols. Not only in those you have to know but in the popular ones too. Clear?

-Yes sir.-answered the class.

-Good. Let's start with Lovecraft.

Time skip

Y/n tested his students knowledge. Soon he found out it was almost nonexistent. Almost. Few girls and Levi answered all his questions. Jocks and cheerleaders of course weren't able too. That was what he expected.

-You all should go back to primary school! No sorry, four people are where they should, the rest of you doesn't know shit! - said Y/n angry. What were they all doing years ago? They didn't even know basic things about literature. Y/n sighted.-Fair enough. Every day before you will enter this class I will ask every single one of you one question from the previous day. If you won't answer it you're not allowed to participate in next lesson. Miss five of my lessons in one semester - you fail my classes. I believe I am understood.

Time skip

Levi's POV

Mr. L/n is not bad, he's savage. If I would have to describe a devil I would point at my new teacher. His classes will be hard to pass, but at least I will learn something new. After all the things he said during the lesson were really interesting. For the rest of the day I couldn't get him out of my head. He was handsome and quite sexy. Nobody made me feel like this. Do I have a crush on my teacher? Definitely yes.

Time skip-next day

-Wrong.-said Y/n.-Go home and study. Next!-It was Levi's turn. He walked up to Y/n feeling quite nervous.- I feel generous today, so you will get something easy. Give me names of three gods from Lovecraft's stories.

-Cthulhu, Bokrug and Dagon.

-Correct. - smiled Y/n.-Next.

Levi smiled too and walked in to the classroom. Soon Y/n was done and looked at ten people who managed to get into his classes. He wrote the names of the present students and started the lesson.

Time skip

-You're free to go. For tomorrow I want you to read pages thirteen to twenty one.-said Y/n when the bell rang.- Levi stay here for a bit please.

Levi became nervous again. Y/n 's stern look could scare everybody. Levi waited for others to leave the classroom and walked up to his teacher.

-Y-yes Mr. L/n?- Y/n smiled.

-I like your attitude to my classes. -he said. - In fact I like you in general. Or even more than just 'like'.-Levi blushed.

-What would others say about this?

-What do you mean?'re my teacher.- Y/n smirked.

-Levi, it's your last year here. Nobody has to know for now. I love you Levi. - Y/n stood up and placed his hands on Levi's waist. Levi blushed more but didn't push him away.

-I love you too Y/n.-They both leaned closer until their lips met in passionate kiss. They pulled away when air was needed.

-You will stay with me every day after classes.

-Yes sir.-smiled Levi and pecked Y/n 's lips.

One shots vol.II (Seme male reader x Various)Where stories live. Discover now