Yuri Plisetsky x Seme Male Reader

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Yay! Let's get this started shall we? Enjoy.

Yakov was a coach of famous skater Victor Nikiforov. But apart from him he trained two very talented young boys - Yuri and Y/n. Both of them were determined to practice a lot. Yuri wanted Victor to prepare the program for his debiut, Y/n wanted to show everybody that he was something more than just a troublemaker. They practiced together a lot, but their styles were different. Yuri was rough and graceful at the same time, Y/n was seductive, collected and mysterious. It was as if the devil himself skated on the ice.

Time skip

After Victor announced he stays in Japan, Yuri decided to go there and bring him back. After all Victor promised Yuri to help him with his debiut performance. Unfortunately he wasn't able to convince him to go with him so he came back with nothing. Yakov wasn't happy either. Y/n and Yuri stayed after practice to talk.

-And that's how I lost to that pig.-said Yuri as he finished the story of what happened in Japan.

-I've seen the video of your program. -answered Y/n -I think something was missing in your attitude.

-No shit Sherlock. Victor keeps telling me the same thing.-answered Yuri and ran his hand through his hair. -And he seems to like that fat pig.

-Don't worry. -said Y/n - I know you will make a great debiut anyway.

-How can you be so sure?-asked Yuri a bit annoyed. He was still angry at Victor. Angry and disappointed that he chose someone else over them and forgot about his promise.

-Simple. I believe in you.-Yuri's eyes widened. He didn't respond, he just nodded at his friend.

Time skip

-Tell me when it hurts.-said Yakov pressing on Y/n leg. Y/n lost his balance and fell badly on the ice. Yuri watched his friend with worry in his eyes. He wanted to help somehow, but he wasn't able to. All he could do was placing Y/n 's head on his thighs to make him feel more comfortable.

-Shit! - cursed the teen as he felt another wave of pain. They called an ambulance. Y/n was taken to the hospital. The doctor took an x-ray and soon he had bad news to break.

-It's broken and the piece of bone damaged the muscle. He will be able to walk, but ice skating is not possible anymore. Y/n gritted his teeth and tried not to cry. Yuri held Y/n and tried to comfort him but he pushed him away.

-Don't.-he said.-I will be back on ice. I don't know how yet, but I will.

Time skip

It was a day of the Grand Prix finals. Yuri practiced with prima ballerina, and now he was preparing to skate to Agape. Y/n watched his every move. Y/n managed to come back to skating, but he wasn't prepared for Grand Prix. He practiced with Yakov while Yuri was turning into ballerina. They got closer to each other during all this time they practiced together. After all it was Yuri who helped him go back to skating. After one of the practices Y/n and Yuri kissed. The problem was that Y/n was so surprised with it and rejected Yuri. Little did he know that this rejection helped Yuri helped to find his real Agape.

-Good luck Yuri.- Y/n walked up to him hugged him.

Y/n watched the whole program. This time Yuri's performance was full of emotions. Y/n could feel the longing for the love that was once rejected. Yuri's moves were full of grace. He was beautiful.

When Yuri finished the program the crowd erupted in cheers. He bowed and got out of the rink. Y/n hugged Yuri and kissed him. Yuri's eyes widened. He smiled and wrapped his arms around Y/n 's neck kissing him back.

-I love you.-said Y/n as he rested his forehead against Yuri's.

-I love you too.- Y/n smirked.-I thought you didn't want me.

-How could I resist such a sexy ballerina?-Yuri blushed.

-S-shut up moron.

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