Killer!SMR X Killer!Romano

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I came up with this story long time ago, I called it 'Guns and roses' (I know, shut up). I felt like it really suits my current mood so after some edition I decided to post it. Enjoy.

They've met in the bar. Y/n, the student and Lovino, the serial killer. Of course Y/n didn't know what Lovino did for a living. They fell in love. That's how it all started.

They lived together and were happy. But everything what's good always has to come to an end. Lovino received a letter from one of his previous bosses. They knew where he was and threatened to kill Y/n if Lovino wouldn't get back to the buisness. Lovino wiped the tears from his eyes and waited untill the night came.

Time skip

Y/n was fast asleep. Lovino got out of bed carefuly and got dressed as silently as he could He placed a note for Y/n on the nightstand and walked out of the house, leaving behing not only their shared apartment, but their life together too.

Time skip

Y/n woke up with uneasy feeling in his gut. He got up and immediately noticed, that Lovino's stuff were missing. Y/n saw the note. He took it in his hand and sat on the bed.

My dearest Y/n

I'm sorry I had to leave you. I love you with all my heart, but I can't be with you anymore. Those months with you made me believe that good things happen for bad people like me. You were my light. But it has to be ended, Y/n. Don't look for me and please move on with your life.

Forever yours,

Lovino Vargas.

-How am I supposed move on if I still love you so much it hurts?

At first Y/n wanted to listen and tried to move on, but gave up. Everything reminded him about Lovino. So he found a guy, a retired serial killer, and asked him to teach Y/n all he knew. Cornel, was his name. He owned a small bar in the town.

-Fine.-was all he said to the young man before him.- Follow me.

They went to the basement under the bar. Y/n was surprised with the amount of different weapons Cornel had in there. In two long years Cornel taught Y/n how to use all of them. Y/n figured out he loved all kinds of guns. He got to work really quick. He decided to mark his victims. He picked a rose. After every kill, he was sticking a rose in the hole made by a bullet. And this continued for another year.

Time skip

Y/n become a top serial killer. He received many jobs and made serious money from it. Right now he was sitting on the bar stool. He was waiting for a man, who was sent to give him another job. Suddenly someone sat beside him and carefuly moved a picture towards him. Then the mysterious man left. Y/n smiled sadly when he saw who was on the picture. He paid for his drink and left the bar. 

He didn't have to look for his victim long. He was waiting for Y/n outside the bar. Once he saw Y/n, he ran in his arms crying.

-I told you to stay out of it and move on, didn't I? - asked Lovino looking lovingly at Y/n.

-You did. But I couldn't. I missed you.- answered Y/n and held Lovino close. They stayed like this in silence for a good while, before Lovino broke it.

-You are my next target, Y/n.

-And you're mine. I never failed the mission.

-Neither did I.

They held each other some more. Y/n pointed a gun at Lovino's chest, Lovino pointed his gun at Y/n's chest. They looked each other in the eyes and counted together.

-One...-they said in unision. - Two...Three.

Both guns shoot their bullets at the same time piercing the lovers hearts. They fell on the ground, their arms wrapped around each other.

People said that the two didn't deserve a proper grave, so they just buried them where they died. Nobody would remember about them at all, if it wouldn't be for two wild roses, that appeared on that spot by themselves. They grew and intertwined together like two souls of the lovers buried beneath them. No matter how many times people would cut them, they would  always appear again. Nothing could destroy them. Just like nothing can destroy true love between two hearts.

One shots vol.II (Seme male reader x Various)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora