Bully!Levi x Bullied!Seme!Male!Reader part 2

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@Bisexuallchick Thank you for request. Enjoy.

Levi suffered from Y/n's rejection. He knew he ruined his feelings and now Y/n hated him to the bone. Levi talked to his mom about it. Kuchel, being the smart woman she was, figured out how to solve her son's problem.

Levi's POV

My mom is a genius. I guess. She talked to Y/n's parents. From what I heard they were furious, when they found out how I treated him before. My mom managed to convince them I regretted my choices and behavior. They decided to give me a chance. They arranged a marriage between me and Y/n.

Y/n's POV

I was livid. Who gave my parents right to decide about who I will spend my life with? Once they told me about their decision I stomped out of the house. I needed to take a long walk and let all of this settle in in my mind. Soon I started to feel cold since it was a rainy day and I didn't take jacket with me. At first I wanted to go back home, but I reminded myself about what they did and immediately got angry again. I sat on the bench in the park and sighed. Trying to convince my parents to take it all back is useless, both of them are too stubborn. I have to deal with this somehow.

Levi's POV

I saw Y/n in the park, but I was too scared to talk to him. He was sitting on the bench and staring in the distance. I'm sure he was thinking about us. I was looking at him when I heard his voice.
-I know you're here Ackerman. You can sit next to me, don't worry I wont kill you. Even though I want to.
I hated when he called me by my last name. I sighed and walked up to him. I sat next to him and looked at him.
-I will marry you Levi. But be sure I will make your life a living hell. I'm going to put so much pain and suffering upon you, that you will be scared to even breathe too loudly.

Time skip

3rd POV

-I do.-said Levi. It was a day of their wedding.
-You may now kiss.-said the preacher. Y/n kissed Levi's cheek and made sure the kiss didn't last long. After the wedding reception Y/n and Levi went to their new home. Y/n's parents insisted on them sleeping in one bed. Y/n agreed but didn't want to even hear about having sex with Levi.
He took his suit off and went to sleep immediately.

Time skip

Y/n made Levi his personal slave. He had to clean, cook and take care of the house. If he did something wrong, or his husband didn't like the food, he would receive beating from Y/n. Even when Y/n was stressed after work he would throw Levi against the wall.
When Levi heard the front door open, he immediately put the food on the plate and placed it on the table. Then he ran to Y/n to greet him.
-Welcome home Y/n. - said Levi. Y/n nodded and passed him without the word. He sat at the table and inspected the table. Levi saw it and immediately noticed what was missing. Coffee. Levi pured some to the cup and placed it in front of Y/n.
-You got lucky bitch. -said Y/n and started eating. After the dinner Y/n sat on the couch and turned the TV on.
-Can I get you anything? -asked Levi quietly.
-I'm fine.

Time skip

This time Y/n came home angry as fuck. First he punched Levi then threw him on the bed. He ripped Levi's clothes off and unzipped his pants. Levi was crying quietly as Y/n cock entered him dry. Y/n was pounding into Levi from the beginning. Levi was scared but at the same time he was as close to Y/n as possible. He wrapped his legs around Y/n's hips and soon started to enjoy it. They cummed together, then Y/n pulled out and went to the shower. Levi decided to use this time to serve the dinner.

Time skip

Levi started to shake and cry when he saw two lines in the pregnancy test. He was happy, because it was Y/n's baby, but scared at the same time. How would he react? What if Y/n will hit his belly so hard Levi will lose the baby? All in all he had to know. It was Saturday. Y/n was home. Levi could talk to him. He wiped the tears from his eyes and walked out of the bathroom. He sat next to Y/n on the couch. Levi wrapped his arms around his stomach.
-C-can we talk? I have to tell you something important.
-Then spit it out.
-I'm... I'm pregnant.
-How can you be sure it's mine?
-Because you are the only one who had sex with me in past two years.
Y/n was silent for a moment. Levi was getting more nervous.

Y/n's POV

I wasn't expecting that to happen. Not at all. If Levi is pregnant, then I have to change my behavior. I don't want my child to disrespect their significant other in future. I have to be a good role model or my parents would skin me to the bone. My child is innocent here. Time to stop treating Levi like a punching bag. I guess he already paid for his behavior back in school.
-Alright then. -I said.

Time skip - five months later

3rd POV

Y/n was more in home now. He didn't let Levi to do any hard work. Y/n was cleaning and taking care of the house, while Levi had to lay on the bed or couch. He chuckled when he saw tired Y/n plopping on the couch beside him.
-I told you to take it easy. You're exhausted. - he said.
-Instead of telling me that, you better tell me if you need something.- answered Y/n.
-Cuddles maybe?
-Fair enough.
Y/n layed next to Levi and wrapped his arms around him. Levi nuzzled Y/n's chest and sighed softly.
-I thought it would never happen, I mean, us laying like this.-said Levi.-I thought you despised me.
-Time heals most of the wounds. I treated you like shit for two years. I'm sure you paid for what you did to me. Plus we will have a kid now.
-I love you, you know?
-I know. And in some twisted kind of way, I love you too.

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