Murasakibara Atsushi x S!M!R

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Hey my dear readers, I'm thinking of closing this book, since I don't have any ideas. I wanted eight more chapters to make it as long as the Vol.I, but it's harder with every passing week, and I don't know if I'd make it to the Valentine's Day special. Please help me update this book, or I won't be able to write an update next weekend, out of lack of ideas.

-I like him.- said Atsushi and sipped on the chocolate milkshake. All of the GoM seemed to be surprised with this confession. All of them, except of Seijurou of course. He just smiled slightly and tried to come up with a plan to get his OTP together. They were sitting in the school canteen and having lunch. Atsushi took another sip of his milkshake and looked at his crush. He was tall, with h/c hair and e/c eyes. He was a president of the school council. And what was the most important for Murasakibara - he loved snacks. What he didn't know though was the fact that Y/n was also...Seijurou's cousin.

Time skip

Seijurou had no idea how to talk to his cousin. Y/n was stubborn and never took advice from anybody. He was a problem solver, so nobody really knew if something was on his mind. Getting influence on him would be hard to perform. He would get angry earlier and in the best case would tell Seijurou to go screw himself. Seijurou sighed. Yes, Y/n had a very full mouth. In his opinion it didn't suit one of the heirs of Akashi family to talk and act the way Y/n did, but others said it suited him and it was good he didn't hide his true nature. It made him scary among other people. Even Seijurou had to think twice before he started talking any subject with him.

-Hello dear cousin. May I talk to you? - asked Seijurou as he finally had a plan and walked up to Y/n. He was sitting alone in the council room.

-Sure.- he put away the book he was reading and the chocolate bar he was currently eating. - What brings you here? From what I know you don't like being in touch with me. - said Y/n and leaned back on his chair.

-I assure you it's not like that. I just have to pay a lot of my attention to the basketball club. Plus, you know how my father sees everything. I have to be the best of the best. Therefore I'm very sorry for neglecting you.

-Geez, stop talking to me like I was some businessman with a stick up in his ass. I hate it. - Y/n took a sip of his chocolate milk. Seijurou smiled and relaxed. Y/n was right, when they were younger they were close to each other, like brothers.

-Okay, you're right, sorry. But I do have some business for you. Murasakibara Atsushi. - Y/n thought a bit before he spoke.

-Yeah, I know which one guy you're talking about. He's in the team, right?

-Yes. And I know something you don't, but I'm sure you'd be interested in that.

-And you probably want something in return for that information.

-Who do you have me for? Of course I do. Join the team. And I will tell you what the guy you have your eyes on, thinks of you.

-You have to get me something more for that.

-I know. - Seijurou took a big bag of sweets and put it on the table.

-Now we can do business. - said Y/n grinning.

Time skip

The whole team was waiting for Akashi. He was late for practice for the first time ever. Atsushi sat on the floor and sighed.

-I wish Aka-chin didn't forbid me bringing food for practice...I'm hungry...

-Seriously? - asked Daiki. - You ate lunch not so long ago.

-And I'm hungry.

Suddenly Seijurou joined them on the court. And right behind him followed one and only Y/n Akashi. They both wore their practice clothes. Murasakibara blushed slightly.

-My apologies for being late. I was convincing the new member to join our wonderful team. I'm sure you know my cousin Y/n. - said Seijurou and looked at Atsushi to see his reaction. Y/n on the other hand pretended to be completely not interested in what was happening around him. But he was interested. Very much.

Time skip

Atsushi couldn't focus on what he was doing for the whole practice. Y/n was visibly showing off, from blocking Midorima's shot to winning against one on one against Daiki five times in the row.

-One more time! - demanded Aomine.

-You're completely exhausted. - answered Seijurou. - You complained there was no-one who could beat you, so I found you a perfect opponent.

-Seiji, I'm hungry. - said Y/n.

-We are done anyway. Go to the showers.

The whole tem cleaned themselves and after getting dressed Y/n ran to his bag where he stashed the sweets he got from Seijurou earlier. He took a pack of pocky and opened it. Seijurou made sure to get all the team members out of the room to leave Atsushi and Y/n alone.

-Is this a new taste? - asked Murasakibara.

-Yeah. - answered Y/n. - Wanna try? - when he saw Atsushi nodded his head, Y/n smirked and took another pocky in his mouth. He got closer to Atsushi making him blush. - Then do it.

Atsushi blushed more and took the other end of pocky in this mouth. They were biting on their sides and when their lips were close enough Y/n took a big bite of pocky and kissed Atsushi. At first he didn't know what was happening until reality hid him hard. He kissed back not wanting to lose the opportunity to be close to Y/n. They pulled away when the air was needed.

-I love you Atsushi.

-I love you too Y/n.

With that they took another pocky and ate the whole box. Seijurou, who was watching their first kiss through a keyhole, grinned widely and went home seeing his ship finally sailed.

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