Genos x Male!Reader

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Hello my dear readers, here I am with another update. This one is a request from BdbLuck. I'd like to thank you for this one and please be patient, I'll be writing the rest. Enjoy.

Saitama was really exited lately. He got a message saying that his childhood friend Y/n was coming to the town to live with him. The was ranked in S rank not too long ago and since he was a newcomer Saitama invited him to live in his house, so they could spar and practice together. Plus it was a good occasion for Genos to learn something new.

Saitama was trying to make Y/n's favorite food. After tenth attempt he gave up and told Genos to make some ramen as Saitama was doing the cleaning of the whole house. Y/n liked being in clean places. Since he grew up in poor family he hated the dirt. Is reminded him of a bad times and the fights he had with his father. Y/n grew up to be handsome young man. what was really astonishing was the fact that Y/n was just twenty and he already was ranked sixth in the s rank. Saitama was impressed was very happy he had a possibility to renew the friendship they used to have to have.

Time skip

Genos was surfing the net. Both him and Saitama were ready for Y/n 's arrival. Genos was a bit nervous. He was going to meet master's friend. What if he won't like him? Would master get rid of him? Genos tensed when he heard the doorbell ring. Saitama ran to the door and opened it. He gasped when he saw a tall and muscular guy standing in his doorway. At first he had no idea what to do, but he quickly gained his thoughts back.

-Hello Saitama, long time no see. - said Y/n and smiled. Saitama smiled back and hugged his friend.

-Hey Y/n. Nice to finally see you. come in.

Y/n went inside and put his two suitcases away. Saitama lead him straight to the dining room.

-You must be tired and hungry after the travel – said Saitama as he put ramen in three deep plates. - How was it anyway?

-Good, thanks. I slept through most of it.

-I'm glad to hear that. - he smiled and put three plates on the table. - Genos, dinner's ready.

Genos heard his master's voice and hesitated a bit before he got up and went to dining room. he blushed when he saw their guest.

-Genos this is mi friend Y/n. Y/n please meet Genos.

-Nice to meet you Genos. - smiled Y/n making Genos blush deeper shade of red. Y/n was really handsome and Genos had problems with focusing on his dinner. The fact that Y/n was looking at him smirking sexily wasn't helping at all. When Genos was finally done with his food he ran to his bedroom to calm his blush down.

-What's with him? - asked Y/n innocently.

-You know too damn well .– said Saitama and took a sip of his drink.

-You won't say anything?

-No. I don't mind it at all. Besides, I know he needs love and I can't give it to him, but you? From what I remember you're gay and you have and you have strong influence on Genos already so...

- Okay I got it! - interrupted Y/n. - Leave him to me.

Time skip

Y/n was spending a lot of time with Genos. Saitama didn't mind it at all since this way he could have more time for himself. At first Genos had problems with acting normal when Y/n was around, but he got used to it after some time. Actually Genos realized he felt something because of Y/n. It was some kind of warmness in his chest. He decided to asked Y/n about it.

-Master Y/n?

-I told you to call me just Y/n. - he whined a bit. - what is it Genos?

-Well...I want to ask you about something. Why do I feel different around you?

-Can you be more specific?

-Like...I feel warm in my chest when you're around me, I get worried when you get hurt, I want to make you happy. What is the thing that I feel?

-The answer is simple Genos. You love me.


-That's right.

-Is that a good emotion?

-Yes it is. I love you too, and that's ever better.

-So.. what should we do now? - asked Genos and tilted his head.

-I've got an idea – said Y/n and kissed Genos's lips. He didn't know what to do, but figured out that it would be the best to follow Y/n and kiss back.

-Now you're my lover Genos. And I am yours. - Genos smiled in response and hugged Y/n tightly. Y/n kissed Genos's forehead.

-I'm so happy master Y/n. - Y/n smirked hearing those words.

-Seems like I have to give you a real reason to call me master - said Y/n and picked Genos up bridal style. He carried him to the bedroom and threw him on the bed. Poor Saitama couldn't sleep for the whole night.

One shots vol.II (Seme male reader x Various)Where stories live. Discover now