Yamamoto Takeshi x Seme!Male!Reader

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The second request from 16howens, I will do all of them. Slowly but I will. Enjoy.

3rd POV

Takeshi came home later than usual. It was Reborn's birthday, so it was a long and eventful day. He smiled when he thought about it. Sometimes playing mafia with Reborn was more realistic than he expected.
-Welcome home.-said his father. - You have a guest. He's in your room.
Takeshi was surprised, he didn't invite nor expect anybody to visit him. Nonetheless he thanked his father and went to his room. Once he opened the door he saw his boyfriend,  who was working in another city.
-Y/n!- he ran into his arms.
-Hey babe.- said Y/n as he nuzzled Takeshi's neck. -I missed you.
-I missed you too honey- answered Takeshi and kissed his boyfriend. Y/n licked his bottom lip asking for entrance. Takeshi immediately opened his mouth. Their tongues were wrestling with each other for dominance. Y/n smirked when he felt he won the battle. Soon they had ti pull away since their lungs burned from the lack of air. Takeshi and Y/n laid on the bed and cuddled.
-How's the baseball?-asked Y/n.
-It's fine. I made some new friends, you know?
-Oh...really?- Y/n sounded jealous so Takeshi kissed cheek.
-Yeah, but don't worry. All I want is you.
-Anyway, there's a boy there, like I don't know, maybe two years old. Spending time with him is quite fun. Which makes me think...- Y/n hummed to show he was listening.- Could we possibly...have a child someday?
Y/n thought a bit before he answered. This was one of the questions you don't want to give wrong answer.
-Takeshi, you're young, still in school. Can we at least wait until you graduate? I will spare some more money so we could be prepared and have stability in our lives, then we can start a family.
-Okay, I think we can wait. I'm glad you want a family with me.
-Of course I do. I love you dearly.
-I know, I love you too. - Takeshi smiled and pecked Y/n's lips. Y/n smirked.
-Come on baby, we both know you can do better than that.-he said. Takeshi smiled and kissed his boyfriend properly. Y/n smirked wider and pulled Takeshi closer to his chest. Takeshi moaned loudly into the kiss when he felt Y/n's hand on his ass.
-Y-y/n...my dad is downstairs.
-You didn't mind it last time he was home and we wanted to have sex.
-And we got caught. - Y/n groaned. He didn't want Takeshi's father to give them 'the talk' again.
-Fine, whatever.- said Y/n and pouted.
-Don't be mad, we can get some when he falls asleep.
-Fair enough.-said Y/n and kissed Takeshi's temple.
-How long will you be staying here?
-Until further notice. I got fired.
-I'm sorry honey.
-It's fine. I hated that place anyway. Now at least I can be close to my beloved. - Y/n smiled and Takeshi blushed.
-Maybe my dad would have something for you in the restaurant?
-No offence babe, but no way in hell. I would strangle the customers and you know it.-Takeshi chuckled.
-Yeah, you're right. You are not patient  enough.
-Don't you worry baby, I have some ideas.

Time skip -> next morning

Y/n and Takeshi woke up after a night full of events. Takeshi had no idea how much he missed his boyfriend. Both of them needed each other badly. So badly, that they ended up spending the whole night on fucking each other senseless. They fell asleep in the morning snuggled up together.
-Good morning beautiful.-said Y/n when he saw Takeshi open his eyes.
-Morning honey. - Takeshi kissed Y/n's lips. - I suppose you're hungry.
-I'm always hungry after good sex and you know it.
They cuddled some more, then got dressed and Y/n carried blushing Takeshi to the kitchen, since he wasn't able to walk by himself. 

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