Lucifer x Son!Male!Reader

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Hello guys, it's me. It's the first update in 2018, since the special was posted still in 2017. I hope you all started new year well. Enjoy the oneshot.

Lucifer was staring at his father creating Earth. He felt like him and his siblings weren't enough. He thought that's was the reason why his father was creating humanity. Lately he was talking only about his new creation. Lucifer felt left out and slowly was getting more and more lonely.
Lucifer hated the first human from the day he was created. Adam was weak, had no powers, he was nothing special. And father told him and the rest of angels to love humanity. Lucifer gritted his teeth and didn't say a word abut it. He was good in hiding his feelings.

Time skip

God created a first woman for Adam to have company. But she wasn't good. She was covered in blood when he created her, and the blood couldn't be washed off. She was greedy and evil. That's why Adam sent her back to god and told him he didn't want her as his wife. So God created Eve and send Lilith away.
-Why did you do this?- asked Lucifer. - Didn't you tell us about loving all humans? Don't you love her?
-Son, I hoped she will be good, that's why I gave humanity a free will. But she chose to be evil. I can't let her be a mother of all humans.
Lucifer looked down and went to Eden. He saw jealousy and disappointment in her eyes. He felt bad for her. His eyes widened in realisation. He was lonely. So was she. Maybe...

Time skip

-Lucifer!-yelled God. - I told you to help humans and protect them! - he got mad when he saw a bear attacking Adam. He got hurt badly. God saw that Lucifer was near and didn't to anything.
-I love my brothers and sisters! I love you more than anything! And you tell me to love those weaklings more than you!? I always obaleyed your orders, but this one I can't follow!
-Then get out and never come back! I cast you to hell! And you can take your Lilith with you! From what I know you've been quite close with her!
Lucifer's eyes went wide. Then he gritted his teeth and turned on his heel. He went to Lilith, told her about them being banished and went to the heaven's gate with her.
-Brother wait. - seven angels stopped them. - We are coming with you.
-We prefer to be in hell then force ourselves to love humans.
-Then you're welcomed in my kingdom.
-Get out all of you!-yelled God- And you Lilith, will be a mother of all evil. Yiur children will become demons from the moment they take their first breath!
With that they fell. Lucifer held Lilith to protect her from getting hurt from landing in hell.
-Lucifer, I have to tell you something.- said Lilith. - I'm pregnant.

Time skip

Lucifer and his siblings took over hell. They build palaces and made it a beautiful place to see. Lilith gave birth to frist demon ever. Lucifer was astonished when he held the little boy in his arms. He had eyes shining blue and angel wings.
-He has angel grace. - muttered Lucifer.- Why is that little one? Is it because you were conceived in heaven? My little angel. A symbol of all sins. The real prince of hell. - he said and kissed his son's forehead.

Time skip

Y/n, because that was the boy's name, was sent on Earth. He was whining to his parents about him being bored. He spet millenniums in hell and there was nothing new to see. Y/n was curious of humanity. At first Lucifer was scared to let him go, because angels were after him. After all he was first angel ever born, not created. But Y/n showed his father he was strong enough to protect himself. Lucifer agreed to let his son go.

Time skip

-I looove humanity!- yelled Y/n to his father when he called him. - Manga, anime, rock and roll, cars! Dad, they are amazing! We need it in hell!
Lucifer sighed when he heard his son's rambling. He smiled slightly.
-Do you want to stay there? - he asked his boy. He chuckled when he heard him gasp.
- Can I?
-Yeah,if you like it so much. Just remember to visit your mom and dad, okay?
-Sure thing. I love you dad. - Lucifer gelt tears build up in his eyes.
-I love you too my son.
And he did love Y/n. More than he ever loved his father.

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