Seme!Male!Reader x Levi New year's special / soulmate AU!

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Happy New Year!!! I hope you will have great night tonight and even better year. And of course I wish all of your biggest dreams will come true! Enjoy the special and drink a glass of champagne for me will ya? I'll definetely drink for all of you!

In this one soulmates meet each other on new year's eve. It's always someone from their closest surrounding. When they see their soulmate they feel strong pull to each other.

3rd POV

Y/n was getting ready for the new year's eve party. He wanted to look as good as possible for his soulmate. Even though he was twenty years old and slowly was losing hope, he still didn't give up for real. There was always a small voice in his heart telling "next year you'll meet them". So like every year he was combing his hair and put the best clothes he had in case his soulmate showed up. When he was finally done he got in his car and drove to Hanji's house, since she was the one who held the party that year.

Time skip

-Y/n! – said Hanji to greet her friend – Good to see you. Come in.

-Hey Hanji. Thanks, and this is for you.

Y/n entered her house and handed the present he bought. He was always told by his parents to bring a gift when he was going for a party. Then he went straight to the table full of different kind of snacks. Hanji smiled when she saw that, some people never change. Y/n always had a sweet tooth. In fact he hoped his soulmate was a fan of sweets too. But for now, every year all he was getting was a disappointment.

Suddenly Hanji went to the door to greet her next guest. Y/n looked in the direction she went and saw a handsome black-haired man. He was a bit shorter than Y/n and he found him absolutely adorable. Y/n smiled a bit to himself and took a sip of his drink. What really got Y/n's attention was the fact that mysterious guy gave Hanji a present as well and after a small talk he went to the table with snacks and poured himself the same drink Y/n had.

-Okay! – yelled Hanji with a pilot in her hand. – Time for some music!

Everybody cheered. Everybody but Y/n, when he heard what was blaring out of the speakers. You see, Y/n had a specific teste in music and the mainstream crap was getting on his nerves from the first note. Y/n sighed, finished his drink and decided to walk out for a bit and get some air. And maybe have a smoke.

He stood up and went outside. Y/n took the pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lighted one up. He took it in and after few seconds he released his breath. He noticed it was quite cold, even though there was no snow.

-Hey. – heard Y/n from behind him and got a bit startled. – Scared? – chuckled the mysterious guy from earlier.

- Like hell I am. You just got me by surprise.

-I see you're having problems with listening that shit others dare to call music. – he changed the subject quickly. Y/n chuckled.

-Yeah, it's hard to hide I don't really tolerate those sounds. I'm Y/n by the way.

-Name's Levi.

The boys talked for a while and it turned out they had many things in common. Instead of getting back to the party they decided to take some snacks and drinks outside and sit on the porch by themselves. They were getting back only to get more of snacks or the drinks but it was so rare that no one really payed any attention to them. They were enjoying each other's company so much they didn't pay attention to the time. They already had two glasses of champagne with them so there was no need to. They were laughing and joking so long and loud they didn't hear the people in the house counting down. Suddenly the fireworks went off and that got their attention. They rode the glasses and took a sip of the champagne. Then the unthinkable happened. Levi and Y/n felt strong pull to each other. Their minds and bodies moved on their own and before they knew they were kissing passionately. The loving kiss was broke by Hanji's squealing when all of the guests and her went out to watch the fireworks.

-Want to take it to my car? – asked Y/n with hair messy from Levi's tugging.


And with that they went to Y/n's car and what can I say. It was very hot and fun night.

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