Anime mix part five

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John decided it was a good time for Y/n to start working. He wanted his son to be close to him, so he pulled few strings and got his son to work as his assistant. This way Y/n could get a lot of experience and John trusted his son, so he could leave the office when he needed and everything would be fine. His last assistant was good only in fucking around and wasting time.

-I look like an idiot.- Y/n said when he saw himself in the mirror. He wore a white dress shirt, black dress pants, a black jacked and the red tie.

-No you don't honey.-said Mary- You look very handsome.

-Yeah.-snickered Diane.-I Victor saw you he would jump you here and now.

-I'm going to murder you Diane. Or cut your hair in your sleep.

-Yeah? Then I will destroy your Poison t-shirt.



Mary sighted at her kids behavior bud didn't break their bicker. She knew it was pointless. Y/n pouted and looked at himself again. His father knew how to wear a suit and look good in it. Y/n tried to copy his moves and posture. Y/n huffed in defeat and went downstairs to meet his father, who was in grey suit.

-Ready to go?-he asked.

-No.-murmured Y/n still pouting. John smiled at his son.

-I know you're nervous. Don't worry, it will be fine. I was nervous too on my first day. I believe in you, you're my son. I know you will make it.-Six relaxed a bit knowing that his father supported him. He nodded at his father and left the house. They got in to John's car and hey drove off. When they arrived Y/n got his key to the office, a phone and the desk next to his father. He met his father's coworkers and his secretary.

-I gotta leave for an hour, I have a meeting. When I'm not here you're in charge.

-Yes sir.- Y/n smiled and got back to his work. John ruffled his sons hair and left the office. Few minutes later his father's secretary - Haribel, walked in the office. She closed the door and leaned on it a bit.

-Finally we are alone.-she walked up to Y/n and sat in his lap.

-Leave the office this instant.-he said. He didn't like the way she behaved.

-Oh come on...we can have some fun at work you know...-she leaned in to kiss Y/n but he turned his face away.

-Leave me alone. I'm not interested in you.

-I'll make you interested...

-He told you to leave him alone you bitch!- Y/n's eyes widened. Victor barged in the office and pried Haribel off of Y/n.

-Honey, I swear I didn't do anything...-started Y/n.

-I know, I heard her. I know you wouldn't cheat on me.-Said Victor and kissed Y/n's lips. Then he turned his attention to Haribel.- Y/n is mine. Lay your dirty hands on him again and I will snap your neck, am I clear?-Haribel only nodded and left the room.

-Like father like son.-she muttered.

Victor sat in Y/n's lap and wrapped his arms around his neck. Y/n pulled him closer by his waist and kissed him.

-Thank you for saving me babe.-he smiled.

-Anytime. I brought you lunch.-Victor smiled back and nuzzled Y/n's neck. Y/n sighed in content and closed his eyes.


-Hmm?-Victor hummed to indicate he was listening.

-Were you jealous?-smirked Y/n.

-I was. My sexy beast is only mine. -he said and pecked Y/n's lips.

-I can live with that.- Y/n winked at Victor making him blush and kissed his cheek.

Time skip

Y/n finished his work with Victor still in his lap.

-Y/n I'm back.-said John walking in to his office.-Who's that?

-Victor Nikiforov-said Victor and shook John's hand-Y/n's boyfriend.

-John L/n, Y/n's father.

-Dad I want you to fire your secretary.-said Y/n with serious expression on his face.

-What did she do?-asked John. His question sounded like he knew quite well what happened.

-She got in my lap and tried to have sex with me. Key word - tried. Victor came in and showed her who I belong to. -John shook his head and sighted.

-She tried the same thing on me. When I turned her down she tried to get into your pants, huh? - Y/n nodded and rested his chin on Victor's shoulder.- Consider it done son.

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