Single Parent!Levi x SMR

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Another weekend, another update. I hope I will get few days off at work so I could take care of new book I plan on starting. For now, enjoy the oneshot.

3rd POV

-Shhh Mikasa please...I'm tired.-sighted Levi as he tried to calm his five-year-old daughter down. She woke up in the middle of a night because she had a nightmare. She was crying for half an hour now and Levi had to wake up early to get to work on time.

-C-can I sleep with you?-she said sniffing and sobbing in her father's chest. Levi sighted before he responded.

-Yeah, lay down. - Levi kisses her forehead and held her to his chest. He was an asshole towards everybody but his daughter. She was his treasure and he would do anything to make her happy. How did he become a father? His ex-girlfriend got pregnant and broke up with him when she found out. Levi wanted to support and help her, but she never wanted to listen. In fact she planned an abortion. Levi begged her not to, and promised to take care of the baby and never bother her again. She agreed and never cared for her child. Levi wanted to make it up to Mikasa. He worked hard to have money to pay the rent and the bills. After all of this they hadn't much money left but Levi was content when he saw his kid smile.

Time skip

Levi got to work for his morning shift. He took his spot by the production line and got to work. In next eight hours he would be free. He hated his job. There was dirty everywhere, and guys from office were mean to the employees on the production department. Mikasa was at his friend's house like always. Levi had to work harder to get more money, after all Mikasa will be starting school in a year, and he wanted to start preparing for that earlier.

-Levi, the owner wants to talk to you.-said the leader of the shift. Levi couldn't help but feel anxious. What if he wanted to fire him? He took the gloves and glasses off and made his way to the office. The office workers looked at him with amusement in their eyes. He felt so out of place here. All of them were in suits, women were in dresses, and he wore dirty clothes. He made his way to the factory owner's office and told the secretary who he was and what was the reason of his arrival. She nodded and called her boss.

-Right away sir. - she said and told Levi to enter the room. He swallowed the lump he felt in his throat, and opened the door. Levi entered the room and closed the door. His boss was sitting at his desk. He was a very handsome man. He wore a black suit which made him look sexy and attractive.

-Take a seat Levi. - he did as he was told. Y/n closed his laptop and leaned back on his armchair. - I called you here, because I have noticed your dedication to the work. It's hard to find such employee on the production line. May I know what's the reason behind it?-Levi was hesitant but decided to answer.

-I have little daughter and I'm the only one who can make a living.

-What about her mother?

-She left us.

-Sorry to hear that.-said Y/n.

-It's ok. I got used to it. That's why I do my best to keep this job. If I lost it we would have very hard time. And I want everything best for my daughter. - Y/n nodded in understanding.

-I have an additional work for you. Tell me, how good are you in cleaning?

Time skip

Levi called Hanji and told her he will have to stay longer at work. In fact he was cleaning Y/n 's house. It was a huge mansion. Levi huffed an got to work. After two hours he was finally done. He went to Y/n 's study and knocked on the door. When he saw a muffled 'come in' he opened the door and told his boss he was done. Y/n inspected the house and was more than pleased with the effect. He took his wallet and took out some money. Levi's eyes went wide.

-It's too much.-he said.

-No it's not. You did a good job and I will pay you well. Come back again on Saturday.

-I won't be able to. I won't have anybody to leave Mikasa with.

-Then bring her here, I don't mind.

Time skip

Levi was cleaning Y/n house twice week, Y/n payed him well every time. Sometimes Mikasa joined her dad and Y/n was watching over her. Not that he minded, he was living in this big ass house all alone. Y/n was buying presents for Mikasa too. At first Levi was reluctant but gave in once he saw his daughter smile. He became fond of Y/n too. He knew he was bisexual so it was a matter of time before Levi fell for Y/n.

Y/n 's POV

Mikasa was a very smart girl. She noticed her dad was working hard and did her best to not to make him worry or get her in trouble. She was a little angel, and I 'm not surprised Levi cherished her o much. If she'd by my daughter I'd do the same. Levi himself was specific too. I never got married because no-one was special enough. But Levi feels different. He was indeed special. A little hard to approach but once Mikasa liked me he became nicer too.

-Uncle Y/n?-she asked as she was sitting in my lap cuddled up to me.

-What is it?

-Do you like daddy?-I blushed a little.

-Well, that's a tough question. Why?

-I think daddy likes you.- I chuckled.

-How do you know?

-I heard him in the shower.-she grabbed Y/n 's collar and looked in his eyes.-I want you to be my other dad.

Time skip

3rd POV

With the knowledge Y/n got from Mikasa he tried to approach Levi. After he spent the whole night thinking about this he made his mind and wanted Levi to be his.

-I finished.-said Levi when he was done with the cleaning. Y/n gave him his money.

-Thanks. But you're not dismissed yet..-said Y/n seriously.

-What do you mean?

Y/n crashed his lips against Levi's. He was shocked but gave in to the kiss. Suddenly his brain started working again and he remembered who he was kissing. He pushed Y/n away. Y/n broke the kiss but didn't let him go.

-I-I don't want to be your toy Y/n.

-You're not a toy.- Y/n pulled him closer.-I love you Levi. You and Mikasa both. I want you to be my family. Please move in with Mikasa here. You don't have to work in the factory anymore, I will take care of Mikasa's education and well-being.

- Y/n, I can't accept that. I will never be able to repay you for taking care of me and my daughter.

Y/n smiled.

-Our daughter Levi. Please agree to be mine. - Levi broke down in tears of happiness. He nodded and kissed Y/n. He immediately kissed back and held Levi close to him.-Let's get Mikasa here and tomorrow we will move you both here.

-Ok. I love you Y/n.

-I love you too. -said Y/n and went to his car. Levi got into passenger's seat and they drove off to pick Mikasa up and break the news to her. She held Levi with a smile on her face and fist-bumped Y/n.

-Now I want siblings. -she said making Levi blush and Y/n choke on his spit.

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