Ryohei Sasagawa x SMR

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I'm sorry I didn't update last week, I won't be lying - I was too lazy. This weekend I'm giving you two updates to make it up to all of you.
Of course special thanks to 16howens for this huge request.

3rd POV

Ryohei got out of the ring after another fight he won. He was getting a bit upset that no one was good enough to beat him, or at least last until the end of the fight. He asked Tsuna to fight against him again, but he refused. Apart from him there was no one around who could be good enough.

Time skip

Ryohei was having trouble with sitting still at his desk. He couldn't wait to see the new student, who was coming to their school from (Favourite country).
-Please welcome your new classmate Y/n L/n. - said the teacher and let the boy in the classroom. He was taller than Ryohei, with h/c and e/c. Ryohei felt his heart skip a bit when Y/n looked at him and smirked slightly when the boxer blushed. Apart from Y/n's handsome face there was one more thing which cought Ryohei's attention. Y/n was freaking ripped.

Time skip

-Join the boxing club!-yelled Ryohei. He was nervous and excited at the same time.
Y/n on the other hand just looked at Ryohei completely uninterested in what Sasagawa was saying.
-Are you done?- asked Y/n. - Listen to me pal. You're too loud. And hyperactive. I'm not interested in boxing.
-But you're strong! You would be perfect!
-Did you ever hear what I said?-sighed Y/n.
-One fight.
-Fight with me. If you win I won't bother you anymore. - Y/n looked down to think about the offer.

Time skip

Y/n and Ryohei were sitting in the opposite corners of the ring. Ryohei was having a perfect opportunity to check Y/n out. When they heard a sound of the bell they stood up and started fighting. Ryohei was jumping closer then further to make hitting him harder. Y/n on the other hand seemed to be bored. He was looking at Ryohei and keeping his guard up. He was waiting for Ryohei to get closer and try to hit him or get tired. Y/n was calm and focused on his opponent.
Once Ryohei tried to punch Y/n he quickly dodged and hit him straight on the jaw sending him on he floor for the first time.
-Stand up Sasagawa, I'm not even getting started yet.
Ryohei felt a mix of astonishment, excitement and adrenaline. He jumped up and went at Y/n again. He hit his torso and blushed when Y/n's abs tensed. Y/n made use of this moment of distraction and slammed his glove against Ryohei's head again. Ryohei fell on the ring lines. Y/n jumped closer to him and showered him in punches sending him on the floor again. The judge started counting.
-8...9...end of fight.
Ryohei managed to stand up to hear the verdict. The judge rose Y/n's hand in the air to show he was the winner.

Time skip

-Join the boxing club!
Y/n sighed. He was sitting on the schools roof eating lunch, when Ryohei came there and started pestering him.
-I thought it was clear. I won, you promised you'd leave me alone.
-But you're so strong! And amazing! I would never agree to leave you alone if I knew you're so awesome!
-You're too loud. But fair enough, I will join your damn club, but I want something in return. - said Y/n and stood up.
-What is it?!
Y/n walked up to Ryohei and slammed their lips together. He pulled away from him when he didn't feel the older Sasagawa respond.
-You. I want you.
Ryohei was surprised. He didn't know how to respond to this confession. After few minutes his mind clicked and he kissed Y/n. This time they shared a loving kiss which became heated after few seconds.
-I'm all yours.
-In that case I'm joining the boxing club.
Ryohei jumped and yelled in happiness.
-Damn, you're so loud. - murmured Y/n. - To think, you'll get even louder when we will be alone.

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