Chapter Six

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    The alarm goes off and I can hear my mom shuffling around. She gets up and gets ready for the day. After a few minutes she walks over to my bed.

    "Brianna." whispers my mom. "Brianna wake up. Brianna." I groan. "Brianna, today's the day. Allegiant Part Two." She says. I jolt out of my bed.

    "Damnit mom. How do you always manage to know how to get new out of bed?"

    She smiles and walks over to her bed. "You have an hour."

    I jump out of bed, grab my clothes, and head to the bathroom. I put on foundation, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara.

    When I am done I put on the clothes I chose last night. My theme is Dauntless today.

    I put on a black tank top, with black yoga pants, and my black knee length boots.

    I slip on a black sweatshirt and run out of the bathroom tripping on the carpet and landing on my face.

    "Oh my god. Are you okay?" It is a man's voice. I look up and see Ansel. He picks me up off of the ground and examines me.

    "I'm fine. Just clumsy." I say wiping off my hands and knees. "See no blood no foul. He nods his head slowly and looks away.

    "Your mom left to go sight seeing. She said that she would bring you lunch." He says. "I will be driving you. Unless you want to get a taxi."

    "I'll go with you." I say and we walk out to his car.

~Ansel's Pov~

    She looks so beautiful. I know that she is underage and is a cancer patient but I want so badly to be with her.

    The light turns green and she raises her eyebrows at me.

    "Are you going to go or are you going to keep staring at me like an idiot?" She asks. I turn back to the road blushing because she caught me.

    "You might want to wipe the drool off of your chin." She says.

    "I was not drooling." I say wiping my chin anyway and sure enough there was drool. She bursts into laughter and I can't help but laugh at myself.

    When we reach the area where we will be filming today her eyes go wide. We get out of the car and we walk over to where the rest of the cast are. Theo and Shailene are flirting yet again but they don't see that they are doing it. They would be an awesome couple.

    "Hey Bri what brings you here?" Theo asks. "I guess you just couldn't resist this." He says motioning towards his body.

    "Actually I was brought here to watch the filming by the make a wish foundation." She says. Theo drops his jaw and Miles, who just got here, runs over to us.

    "Hey guys what's-" he starts but then he sees Brianna. "Bri!" He wraps her up in a bone crunching hug lifting her off of the ground and the rest of us begin to worry that he might hurt her. She doesn't look hurt though, in fact she is hugging him back just as hard.

    "What are you doing here?" He asks her after he puts her on the ground again.

    "I told you I would see you again sooner than you think." She says grinning. He grins at her and hugs her again. I am a little jealous.

    "So where is this cancer girl we are meeting?" Miles says after his moment with Bri.

    "You just hugged her." I say and Miles looks at Bri again.

    "Smart, pretty, and kick butt. You are awesome." He says grinning. She blushes and looks at the ground.

    "I'm not really any of those things." She says. "I'm just an average girl who has cancer, nothing extraordinary."

    "Yeah right. You are that and do much more I'm sure of it." I say and she looks up from the ground smiling.

    "Thank you guys." She says. Miles it's behind her glaring at me. Why did we both have to like this girl? She is underage!

    "Hey Brianna why don't you come with me and I will show you around?" Shailene says. The cast, or at least our close friends on the cast, knows about our dilemma. Bri nods her head and leaves with Shailene leaving Miles and I glaring at each other.

    "Well we're going to go." Says Theo shortly after and the rest of our buddies leave us.

    "You should be more careful." I say. "You might hurt her."

   "She is strong." He says. "She doesn't need babying."

    "Look we both can't have her until she is 18 by which we won't be seeing her. So we should just be friends with get and each other." I say.

    "Until she is 18 and then it is game on." He says and we shake on it.

~ Brianna's Pov~

    I have no idea why Ansel and Miles were acting do weird but I have an idea that Shailene does.

    "What was going on back there?" I ask her as she shows me the area where we are filming. We both bought iced coffees and were walking back to where the others are.

    I don't get my answer. Instead Miles and Theo join us.

    "Hey what are you guys talking about?" Miles asks eyeing Shailene.

    "Nothing." I reply quickly. Miles looks at me for a second and then shrugs.

    "So what do you think about the filming location?" Theo says trying to break the ice.

    "It feels like a dream. I can't believe I am really here talking to you guys. I mean I had the biggest crush on both of you guys. I thought you were so freaking hot." I say and then blush because I realize what I just said. I am just about to explain myself when I hear someone call my name.


So what do you guys think? Is it good? I'm thinking about changing the cover. Send me your edits at my instagram account @dauntless_amity_46

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