A Fresh Start

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Alex came over to my side of the door and opened it. "What did you just say?" I ask as I push myself out of the car.

Alex takes my hand into his. "I didn't say anything," he said coolly.

I tilt my head to the side and look at him. "What did you say when we were back in the car?"

A playful smile graces his lips. "Ohhh, I said that I know you're attracted to me or something."

Is he just going to pretend like he didn't say anything about being attracted to me? Geez.. did I imagine it?


"So where are you taking me?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"To one of the restaurants I own," Alex smiled.

The elevator dings and we step into a dimly lit restaurant. The sound of soft chatter and music  filled my ears. Tiny little chandeliers were hung over every table. The room was full of mostly couples. A young woman approached us with a smile.

"Table for two Mr. Bentley?" The woman asked.

Alex nodded. "Yes."

She nodded. "Follow me please."

The woman seats us by a large window. The city at night was gorgeous. I would never get tired of looking at it.

I look down at the menu and I notice that the name of the restaurant is called Ainsley's. If I recall right, Alex called me Ainsley on my first day of work. Weird right?

I scan the menu and realize I have no idea what any of this stuff is and it so expensive. I'll just order the salad with grilled chicken breast.

"What are you going to have?" Alex asks while looking at the menu.

"The salad."

Alex puts his menu down and looks at me. "The salad? You don't look like someone who eats salad."

I blink a few times before responding. "Are you saying I look fat?"

Alex laughs. "Have you seen yourself, you look like a twig. I'm just saying that you just look like a girl who doesn't like salad."

A twig? I wasn't that thin. "I happen to like salad." Not really. To be honest, I was starving. Then again, I'm not going to order something I'll end up throwing away.

Alex doesn't respond. Rude.

Our waiter comes to our table and gives us a big grin. I notice right away that he was handsome. He had big gray eyes that were framed with long dark lashes and his slightly over grown dark hair laid perfectly on his head. You could definitely tell he worked out by the tight dress shirt he was wearing.

"Ready to order?" The waiter asks.

The waiter looked at me and smiled. I of course returned the smile and was about to place my order until a certain someone spoke first.

"We'll have two orders of the filet mignon with a cup of béarnaise sauce," Alex ordered.

Well there goes my salad. I give my menu to the waiter and he smiles again and he says a simple thank you.

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