Chapter 5: "Resentment"

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You opened your eyes and removed your sketchpad from your face, apparently you'd fallen asleep at some point last night. You sat up and looked for your pencil, you patted your hand around and checked in the crack between the couch cushions but, it wasn't there.

You sat up and looked down at the couch, where'd it end up? You checked your pocket and pulled Sans' business card out of it. That wasn't your pencil but, you set it on your coffee table so you wouldn't forget to call him later.

You patted around on your couch for a good five minutes until it fell into your view. Apparently you had tucked it behind your ear last night before you'd fallen asleep. How you'd forgotten that, you have no idea.

You walked into the kitchen sleepily and looked at the time on the stove, it was nearly five AM. You put a pot of water on the stove and waited for it to reach a boil. You might require a few cups of coffee this morning, you shouldn't have fallen asleep on the couch.

You walked over to your phone and noticed that it had died at some point last night. You picked it up and walked over to the charger across the room. You plugged it in and walked back into your kitchen.

You pulled out the mug you had gotten from Maia and placed it onto your counter. You pulled out a coffee bag and placed it in the cup as you waited for the water to boil.

You tapped your fingers on the counter rhythmically as you waited for what seemed like an eternity before you saw the pot of water reach a boiling point. You turned off the heat and poured the water into your mug carefully. The smell of coffee wafted through the air and you poured yourself a bowl of cereal.

You put sugar and milk into your coffee and stirred it in, when it was mixed well you walked to the couch and put your mug down on the coffee table.

Your gaze trailed to Sans' business card and you stared at it for a second. Should you go ahead and call him? Of course not, it's Sunday and most would be sleeping in, not to mention it's only five AM. You said you'd call him Monday but what if he forgot somehow? What if he thought you'd call him immediately? What if his brother thought you'd broken your promise?

You shook your head, "I'll call him later today," you told yourself.

You took a bite of your cereal and leaned back against the couch. So far you had to do two things today, call Sans and go to the dry cleaners. Well actually, scratch that. You have to call Sans, go the dry cleaners and finish the drawing for Mrs. Agatha.

Well, you didn't have to finish the drawing today but you wanted to be able to thank her soon. She had been such a kind lady to make you cookies, she truly was a blessing.

You finished your bowl of cereal and picked up your mug of coffee, carefully taking a sip. Today seemed like it would be a slow day, not only were you exhausted but you had a feeling you'd have to take the bus to go to the dry cleaners. Oh, how you hated public transportation. You really miss having a car, too bad you can't afford one.

You finished your coffee and yawned, you walked to your phone and noticed it had powered itself back on. You quickly opened your text messages and clicked on Grace.

"Hey Grace, can you pick me up today?" You texted her.

To your surprise it said that she had read your text within a few seconds.

"About that..." She quickly responded.

"Grace, please tell me that you can take me. You know how much I hate taking the bus." You wrote back.

"I forgot that Audrey and I have a protest today, I'm sorry (Y\N)." She replied.

"Can you not skip one protest? Come on Gracie," You texted back.

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