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Season 4 Episode 8

"Why did you come?" Stefan asked Willow as they walked through the town.

"Because I tried to kill your girlfriend a week ago, I guess I owe you something," Willow said dismissively. She still hadn't completed her mission from the witches and knew that they were getting restless, waiting for her to spill some vampire blood.

"I'm letting that slide," he said. "I need your opinion."

"Go for it," Willow said, taken aback.

"Ok, well... do you think it's possible for a vampire to be sired to the vampire whose blood turned them?" he asked.

Willow hesitated. "I don't know. I haven't heard of it ever happening before, but I've been in this world long enough to know that anything is possible. Why?"

"I think Elena is sired to Damon," he said.

"Wow," Willow whistled. "That must make things awkward at home. Your girlfriend is sired to another guy?"

"We broke up," he said. Willow stopped walking.

"What do you mean you broke up?" she asked.

"She's in love with Damon," he said.

"But that's just because she's sired to him. I mean, you guys are gonna get back together, right?"

Stefan shrugged.

"Don't just shrug, this is your life!" Willow said, pretending to care. In actual fact, she was worried about her mission. Something the witches has said was that the doppelgangers had to be together. Not that Stefan knew about his doppelganger status yet.

"I can't be with her," he said. "Not if she's sired to Damon."

"Well then you should find a way to break the sire bond," Willow said. "Before Damon takes advantage."

"Advantage?" Stefan asked. "What do you mean?"

Willow raised an eyebrow at him. "Well... If I was in love with a hot guy, and then found out that he was sired to me, and would do anything to make me happy... I'd let him."

"You think Damon will... sleep with Elena?" Stefan asked hesitantly.

"If he hasn't already," Willow said, turning so that he didn't see the smirk on her face. Of course, her mission wasn't to turn the brothers against each other... but it couldn't hurt.



"Good job guys," Julie said with a smile on her face.

Cece began to walk off set, back towards her dressing room.

"Cece, wait," Paul said, following her.

"I really have to get changed for the next scene Paul," she said dismissively, walking into the room. Paul followed her, shutting the door behind him.

"I just wanted to apologise for... y'know," he said. "You've been weird with me all week. I shouldn't have kissed you."

"No, you shouldn't have," Cece said. "Phoebe is one of my oldest friends. Nothing can ever happen between you and me."

"Are you saying that if she wasn't, you'd want something to happen between us?"

"I... I never said that," Cece muttered.

"I'm asking you. If Phoebe was some random girl that you'd never met, would you want something to happen between us?"

"I don't know," she said. "But it doesn't matter. Because I do know her. And I could never do that to her, friends don't do that."

Paul moved towards her quickly, taking her hand in his.

"What if I said that I wanted to be with you?" Paul asked.

"I'd say you were on the rebound," she answered immediately.

He shook his head. "I'm not on the rebound," he whispered. "I like you Cece."

"I know you do," she said. "I like you too, you're a great guy. A good friend."

"That's all?" he asked

She wanted to say that, yes, all they could ever be was friends. But she had to admit that over the last few weeks she'd seen a different side to Paul. A side that she was beginning to fall for. So before her brain could tell her to stop, she kissed him.

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