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The last episode has aired! Everyone's thoughts aside, please join us in saying goodbye to the best protagonist and antagonist TVD has ever had! #GoodbyeElena #GoodbyeKatherine #GoodbyeNina @NinaDobrev


There will never be a more iconic TVD character than these petrova doppelgangers. Lots of love @NinaDobrev, we'll all miss you.


I mean, I love Elena. But will there ever be a better villain in TV history than Katherine Pierce?? #GoodbyeElena #GoodbyeKatherine. Love you Neens @NinaDobrev


After six years, it's weird to think that @NinaDobrev won't be here on set playing music loudly at 6am and annoying everyone!


Damon is not going to cope with Elena gone, that's for sure!


@NinaDobrev Your characters opened the gateway for The Originals, and we are all so grateful to you for it.


Bonnie Bennet's losing her bestie, I can't handle that. #GoodbyeElena #GoodbyeNina


I miss the early Elena scenes, I miss when she was just an innocent girl trying to figure out life. @NinaDobrev brought life to an amazing set of characters.


Klaus would never have come to Mystic Falls if it wasn't for Elena. @NinaDobrev thanks for getting me a job!


I really wish Nina didn't have to leave, Elena was the best character in the show! #GoodbyeElena #GoodbyeNina


I don't think they'll ever find a villain good enough to replace Katherine! #GoodbyeKatherine


Mystic Falls is completely going to change. It worries and excites me in equal measure.


I'm excited for season 7, I just hope we don't feel the weight of Elena's absence too much.


I think it's about time the show had a bit of a shake-up. Maybe Elena/Katherine/Nina leaving will be a good thing?


I couldn't care less about Elena leaving, but Katherine being gone is the thing that hurts. She was the best of the best #GoodbyeKatherine


I really don't think Katherine will be gone for good, even if Elena is. You can't get rid of Katherine Pierce.


Tying Elena's life with Bonnie's death was a genius move on the part of the writers. Such an interesting twist!


My 6 years on the show were magical, as both Elena and Katherine. Thanks so much to everyone who watched and liked the characters that I played. I hope my final episode hasn't hit you too hard xx

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