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Season 6 Episode 17

"So what do I do when I see the rabbit?" Willow asked.

"Chase it, catch it, feed on it," Stefan reminded her.

"You make it sound so easy," Willow said. "Can't I just chase, catch and feed on Caroline?"

Stefan chuckled. "Definitely not."

"Why not? She's the one who made me like this."

"Caroline is rampaging without her humanity on," Stefan reminded her. "You're a brand new vampire. If you try to go up against her, she will kill you."

"Uh," Willow groaned, sitting on the ground in the woods. "I hate this."

Stefan sat next to her. "I know it's not easy..."
"That's an understatement. How would you feel if someone turned you into the one thing that it was against your nature to be?" she asked him. "I was sent to Mystic Falls to kill vampires, it was supposed to be easy. And now..."

Stefan held her hand, intertwining their fingers. "I'm sorry that I couldn't save you."

Willow looked at him. "You know this isn't your fault, right?"

"If I had given Caroline some space like she asked..." he trailed off, looking at the ground. She put her hand under his chin and forced him to look into her eyes.

"Stefan Salvatore. Everything bad that happens in Mystic Falls isn't your fault. Caroline's mom dying isn't your fault. Caroline turning her humanity off isn't your fault. Me being a vampire, as depressing as it is, isn't your fault."

"I could have prevented it."

"You are not responsible for other people's choices. Caroline chose to do this, and we'll all have to get over it. But do not blame yourself." She stood up, pulling him up with her. "Now come on, teach me how to catch the bunnies."


"Cut!" the director called, going over to them.

"You can cut the belly out in post, right?" Cece asked, stroking her bump. She was worried that her pregnancy would become obvious when the episode aired.

"Don't worry," the director said. "We'll take care of it."

Paul stroked her stomach. "Not long now."

Cece kissed him. "I know!"

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