A Message

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Hello people!

It's not an update but a message.

As you all are well aware of BURMA problem, how brutally the people are being killed there, how the little kids are facing the dark and painful reality of life, it's so much heart wrenching to witness such things. It's giving us all goose bumps and tears in eyes.

Kindly do pray alot for those innocent humans, no one deserve such. We all need to stand for that, by not any other act we can atleast pray for them, for their well being.

Kindly do pray that MAY ALLAH KEEP THEM SAFE. AMEEN.

Another thing is about that pathetic low class game, BLUE WHALE!

Well it's such a stupid game and it's basic aim is to take the life of the player by first giving them unbearable pains and then taking their lives. Kindly make your friends and family aware of it. Make them enlighten and especially the teenagers in your knowing.

It has to be stopped beacuse we cannot lose more lives.

Do pray for such kids too and make the people around you aware.

Stop the spread of death!!

Hope you all will cooperate. May you all be safe too.

Keep smiling and stay happy.
Keep praying.

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