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here yoo go! *whispers* finals is over mi amiga!
—xoxo, nick ♥

here yoo go! *whispers* finals is over mi amiga! —xoxo, nick ♥

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DAY 8 : WHY?

love💕: jiho, have you eaten? it's almost past thirteen hundred, make sure to grab something to eat. your health is important

love💕: i'm about to have a meeting in less than a minute but i'll make sure to contact you once again after the meeting's finished. oh and if you're busy now, just don't forget to contact me as soon as you're about to go home ASAP. when i say about to go home, it's when you're packing your things

love💕: don't step out of the company all by yourself, take care.

love💕: i'm going to fetch you later

monday and eleven hundred. the clock stroke eleven hundred when jiho received four texts from jeongguk reminding her for the umpteenth time to never ever step out of the VANTE corporation with just by herself. whenever an hour passes by, jiho would receive  texts like she was some sort of child. the man had even offered a ride to her office on the morning which shocked the woman. honestly, jiho was quite surprised of jeongguk's recent actions – it was quite . . .well, making her – what's the right word—uncomfortable and confused.

what is he trying to do?

sure. jiho couldn't hide the fact that she liked the way jeongguk seemed to care for her. the text messages somehow brings back some good memories when they were just starting off in their marriage — jeongguk was always messaging jiho every hour, never failing to tell the woman what was up in his office. back then, jeongguk's messages was heartwarming, it had helped her when things at work become messy and her clients was being an asshole on her. the woman would immediately feel okay the moment she reads jeongguk's message saying that he loves her, he misses her and just wants a kiss to energize him, but — just like everything and nothing, the sweetness and warmth from jeongguk just stopped and disappeared like bubbles.

❝ love💕  ❞

jiho's eyes trailed on the contact name, it was ironic how she still kept the i.d. that way even though jeongguk probably doesn't have the same name in his phone. the thought make her heart tear but she knew jeongguk was only acting this way because he took pity on jiho.

sighing and fingers pressing the keys, she started to change the name of jeongguk's id.


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