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at the foot of the altar, a path of roses is what i've promised but, only thorns seems to prick her delicate feet as she walked

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at the foot of the altar, a path of roses is what i've promised but, only thorns seems to prick her delicate feet as she walked.

clock ticking thirteen hundred, my day was moving even slower. my blank eyes were focused on the white screen as my fingers were timidly placed on the keyboard, unable to move. the clock was ticking very slowly as the earlier events of the day seemed to drain the life out of me.

"do i get myself clear?" hoseok's voice lingered against my ears like a broken record. this is just like what happened with jiho in the past few days. the way their warm eyes dramatically changed into hatred was terrifying. what did i even get myself into? it's like everything is slowly falling apart.

bringing my hands to cup my face, i tried to think of ways to distract myself but everything just keeps coming back on jiho. sighing for almost the hundredth time in the day, another voice seemed to slip in the stream of my complicated thoughts.

"can you see this?! it's cancelled? the VANTE corporation cancelled the partnership! what happened? we were just a few days away from the acquaintance party, what did you two do?!" breaking the news to namjoon was inevitable and his wrath surely made my insides tingle with fear. even before i could tell the news to namjoon, myself, the VANTE corporation seemed to act way ahead as they personally sent a long explanation why they wanted to end the partnership.

"in this paper . . ." namjoon uttered slamming the document on the table, teeth gritting with anger. "it was stated that, i quote: the other party must've only been pushed to the brim because of pressure. it seems like the employees of RUNCHA RANDA never really wanted partnership with VANTE corporation and without further ado, we'll cancel the partnership to avoid any cold war and bring harmony back within the two companies what the hell is this?! you two are the only people i've let taehyung and jiho have interactions with! what the fuck is wrong with you two?! you both knew that this partnership was important for us to finally have a proper guidance in the business!"

keeping my gaze on the floor and having no words to explain both mine and lilia's side, namjoon demanded a written explanation of the reason. at that point of time, i badly wanted to snap at lilia for acting harshly.

"it wasn't my fault! your good for nothing wife started it!" lilia whisper-yelled earlier as she defended herself once we were alone in my office. what the hell did she just? feeling damn angry of the words that escaped on her lips, "what did you say?!" the woman huffed, "it wasn't me! it was all her fault! if only she wasn-"

disbelief running across my features, i could not hold the anger i have been keeping for so long. i was already feeling bad with hoseok painfully ruining my day, namjoon yelling at me and now, now - a lie. she has the audacity to lie straight in my face? what the he- "what the heck is wrong with you?! you're lying! how come jiho would start it when you're the one who came at the VANTE corporation all by yourself?! we never had a meeting with them yesterday! what's even worse is you came there not thinking you'd humiliate the name of the company! i've told you many times that its just a couple of days away and you should have patience but what did you do?! you fucking have to ruin everything!" unleashing all the bottled up feelings, the words flowed like an unstoppable flood.

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