A Walk In Hyde Park

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The September air was cool and crisp. Dan and Phil walked hand in hand through the park. The first leaves were beginning to fall from the trees, though they still retained most of their verdant color, only the very tips painted yellow. Still, the air felt different, and both men were excited for their autumn traditions.

This is almost how the world looked when Dan and Phil started their life together almost eight years ago. Of course, the October air was cooler, sharper, and the leaves that littered the ground were mostly gold, red, and plum, but it didn't matter. This time of year always brought back fond memories for Dan and Phil.

Dan was in a playful mood and pulled Phil along to catch falling leaves before they hit the ground. He swiped at them with his right hand and giggled when one landed on the bridge of his nose.

"Phil! Look Phil!" Dan narrowed his eyes, crossing them slightly, to look at the leaf. Phil laughed and kissed Dan where it had just fallen from his nose. Phil was completely and hopelessly in love with Dan. He reached into his pocket to finger the collar, taking great care not to draw attention to himself. Dan was too occupied with a couple of chittering squirrels to notice.

It wasn't long before they came upon other people. There were young families, older couples shuffling along, and people walking their dogs. There was even a man walking a Neko, a leash in his hand. The Neko was wearing a full harness and was being made to walk on all fours behind his master. It made Phil shiver. It was hard for him to believe that people still treated Nekos this way. He hoped that he could distract Dan long enough to move past the unholy scene.

But it was too late, Dan looked up just as the man dragged the Neko along roughly, tugging on the lead. The Neko whimpered but increased his speed to keep up. Dan shuddered. For a moment, he felt guilty for walking upright alongside the love of his life, a man who respected him. Phil looked away from the poor Neko and clenched his fists.

"Phil, did you see that?" Dan whispered. His eyes were watery and his eyelashes held on to the first tears.

"I did, but I was hoping that you wouldn't have." Phil's voice cracked with anger, and he continued to look down at the pavement before them. "I am sorry that you had to see that Dan." He pulled Dan closer to him by wrapping an arm around his waist.

"Don't cry baby." Phil turned to wipe the wetness from Dan's face.

"It makes me so sad Phil. Why can't every Neko have someone like you?" Dan buried his face into the warm space between Phil's neck and shoulder, and his ears flattened. Phil enveloped Dan in his arms and rocked him gently. Dan's tail swung slowly between his own legs and wrapped around to hug the backs of Phil's thighs. "I am so lucky," Dan murmured into Phil's skin.

They stood together this way for several minutes. The world seemed to have stopped entirely. They were alone.

The moment had presented itself.

The breeze picked up again and leaves fluttered around them, landing with the softest patter. Dan had stopped crying. Phil decided to go about his proposal in a different way – something understated under the circumstances. He brought Dan's hands up to his chest and held them inside his own.

"Dan, your hands are freezing. Why don't you put them inside my pockets to warm up, yeah?" Phil smiled.

Dan was cold. He didn't hesitate.

Phil could feel Dan slide his hands into the pockets of his blue hoodie. He held his breath and stood perfectly still.

"What in the world?" Dan muttered to himself whilst withdrawing his left hand from Phil's pocket. Phil stepped back to see his face. He cupped his hands together under Dan's in case he dropped the collar.

"Phil?" Dan opened his hands to reveal a stunning black collar. He noticed a shiny silver tag dangling from the center. He was too shocked to read the engraving.

"Phil?" Dan looked up to meet Phil's eyes. Was this what it appeared to be? Dan felt if he could see Phil's face, he would know for sure.

"Dan." Phil took the collar and dropped to his knee. Dan's hands rushed to cover his face.

"Marry me Dan." Phil spoke confidently and lovingly. He held the collar out to Dan, who pulled his hands down just enough to see Phil clearly. He blinked. Hot tears filled his eyes and he let them fall. He said nothing.

"Dan? Sweetheart? Will you marry me?" Phil repeated. He realized that Dan was not expecting this, not today. They had talked about marriage before, of course, but it had been at least six months since they last discussed it seriously.

"Yes Phil. YES." Dan was sobbing now. Phil stood to meet him and kissed him right where they stood. He could taste Dan's salty tears on his lips. They stood together for a long time, Phil gripping Dan's waist tightly. Finally, Dan opened his mouth, and they shared a truly romantic kiss. Neither man knew if they were being observed, nor did they care. Dan's ears twitched, and his tail curled.

Reluctantly, Phil pulled out of their embrace. He too was wiping away tears. Dan was smiling now, with clearly-defined dimples. He laughed at the sight of Phil fumbling with the clasp on the collar.

"Dan, did you even read the tag?" Phil lay the tag across his palm and Dan leaned in to read it.

"I am not your master; I am your partner. Marry me Dan." Phil spoke the words aloud as Dan mouthed them. Dan looked up at him, the tears coming all over again. Instead of wiping them away, Phil flipped the tag over to show Dan the initials and date etched within. Dan sniffled, smiled broadly, and let Phil turn him around so that he could place the collar around his neck.

Phil's hands were warm despite the cool weather. His touch caused Dan to shiver. The silver tag lay perfectly against his throat, just above the center of his collarbones. Dan liked the way it felt on his skin. And Phil really, really liked the way that it looked on Dan. Neither man could stop smiling. Dan's tears had stopped, though his wet eyes sparkled. Phil offered his arm, and Dan accepted.

"How did we get so lucky Phil?" Dan asked.

"I don't know, but we sure did, didn't we?" Phil smiled, and together they walked home in a comfortable silence.

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant