Giving Is Receiving

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"He knows every moor and mound,
Every curve of every hill,
A shoulder of the mountain,
Where they watched a thousand dawns..."

             - Tori Amos, Weatherman

                        * * *

They spent the day near Bude, right along the Cornwall coast, approximately 25 miles from the Neko Home for Boys. The icy-cold waters of the Irish Sea crashed into the jagged cliffs, sending the salty spray in all directions. Mist collected around the rocks jutting out of the water itself. It was a beautiful place indeed. Phil decided that they needed to return in the spring so they could witness the rich, green beauty of its rolling hills and cliffs.

They walked along the beach, bundled up tightly. Many people enjoyed seaside walks today despite the chilly air. For Dan and Phil, who were discussing important and exciting plans, it felt like the miles-long coast belonged to them.

It was Dan's idea to volunteer his time. If approved, he would spend time with each boy as a mentor, offering companionship and guidance, no matter the age. Phil was so touched by the idea. Dan was an incredibly generous soul, and he had so much to offer. Together, they decided that they could make the almost-two-hour journey twice a month. Phil, who had a degree in English language, would volunteer his time in the classroom. He would also work with those who had an interest in filmmaking.

They talked for hours, enthusiastically exchanging ideas, and building on one another's plans. It was amazing what they could create together.

They would adopt when the time was right. Like everything else in their life together, they trusted that the right time would make itself known. For now, they wanted to reach outward, touching as many young Neko lives as possible. As it stood, man and Neko couples were allowed to adopt Neko children only. This was, of course, what they planned to do anyway. Still, there were many human children that needed forever homes, and Phil would fight for the man-Neko couple's right to adopt them as well.

Dan slept soundly following what was most certainly a pivotal day in his life. With his devoted husband by his side, Dan had come to the conclusion that he was in a position to give, and that giving was receiving.

"Phil? Would you ever consider moving closer? You know,
to here?" Dan walked along with his hands buried deeply in his pockets, a faux fur hat covering his delicate ears and most of his face.

Phil looked up, narrowing his eyes to see beyond the horizon. It was, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful places in all of the United Kingdom. "Perhaps." Phil smiled. Dan tipped his head in response, his cheeks rosy from the cool sea air.

The truth was that Phil would live anywhere with Dan. He did love London - they both did. Still, Phil was an open-minded man who learned not to close doors. Anything was possible, and this was especially true when it came to their future. They had their entire lives ahead of them.

Phil was always thinking forward. In fact, Dan would often find him daydreaming about the future. Even in the very beginning, Dan found that Phil spent more time in the future than he did in the present moment. Conversely, Phil found that Dan hesitated to look beyond the here and now, shying away from talk of the future altogether.  Over time, they helped one another to see the larger picture. This was one of many ways that they grew together.

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Where stories live. Discover now