"L" Is For Lester

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They were nearly to Manchester when Phil got the call.

The adoption counselor told him that a young mother had read their bio and was interested in a face-to-face meeting early next week between Christmas and the new year. Phil could hardly believe what he was hearing.

He looked over at Dan, who was sleeping soundly with a pillow in his arms. It almost hurt not to wake him.

Phil agreed to the meeting, which would take place at the agency in South Bend. He had been reminded that there were no guarantees; this meeting was the first step of many.

Phil couldn't stand it any longer.

"Dan...Sweetheart?" He rubbed Dan's shoulder sweetly, noticing the way in which his head bobbled.

"Hmm?" Dan mumbled groggily. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled when he saw Phil. "Daddy?"

"Guess what Dan?" Phil was just going to come out an say it. He was far too excited to play. "We have a meeting with a mum." Phil's eyes were wide with excitement, and he bounced in his seat.

"Wait, what?" Dan's eyes flew open. "When?"

"Next week...when we get back from Manchester. Can you believe it?" Phil watched as Dan's face lit up.

"Oh my God." Dan smiled and grabbed the arm of Phil's jumper.

"Rosalie called. She is one of the adoption counselors with the agency. A young girl, who is set to give birth next month, read our bio and wants to meet us!" Phil realized that his excitable tone implied that they were indeed being selected. "It's only a meeting. I mean, she hasn't made any decisions yet."

"Of course." Dan nodded. He and Phil were well educated on the adoption process. Still, it was terribly difficult not to get their hopes up.

"We're talking about an infant here Dan. Can you imagine?" Phil looked at him with wild eyes. Suddenly Dan could see his husband holding a tiny Neko baby to his chest, and the vision made his bottom lip quiver.

"Do we know anything about her?" Dan sat up straighter and positioned himself so that he could see more of Phil as he spoke.

"Nothing except that she is sixteen and expected to give birth to a healthy Neko baby boy in mid-to-late January."

Dan's ears pricked up. "Phil, your birthday." Dan knew that he was getting too excited, but he could hardly convince himself to calm down now. Phil was smiling at the idea of an actual infant, and so close to his own birthday too.

Like Dan, Phil found it absolutely impossible not to be excited. He was well aware that the mother could chose another couple or change her mind about the adoption altogether. There was also the possibility that the girl's parents could object to her decision unless she was being represented by a guardian ad litem. Still, he never imagined that they would get a call for a meeting so soon.

"She's so young. Can you imagine Phil? She must be terrified." Dan shook his head in disbelief. Phil couldn't imagine, but he knew that Dan faced a terrifying ordeal at the very same age. It made him shiver.

There would be even more news to share with his parents. Phil wondered how much they should share. It would be a shame to give his mum and dad false hope. He and Dan signed on knowing that there would be disappointments,
but his parents had not. As of Dan could read his mind, he spoke.

"Darling? Do you think that we should not mention the actual meeting, you know, until we learn more?" Dan licked his lips, pulling them into his mouth. Phil loved it when Dan called him "darling."
It was something that they used
for one another, especially when they were feeling lighthearted.

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ