Around the Table

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They stood on trembling legs, Phil holding Dan upright, ready to embrace the young woman who had just given them the gift of parenthood.

It was much more that than, really. It was trust, it was peace, it was everything. Caroline, who normally shied away from affection, embraced the men with open arms. The three of them stood in a circle, heads together, tears falling freely. For the first time, Dan and Phil had their son between them. They could feel the firm sphere of her belly against their own. It was all at once real and unreal.

Caroline felt the love and gratitude radiating off of them as a couple. There was nothing but joy and appreciation. She felt, for the first time, whole.

"Thank you for trusting us...for choosing us." Dan held on to Phil now, speaking for both of them. His fists held the soft gray material of Phil's jumper. "This means everything."

Phil rocked Dan in his arms and looked at the girl with a tear-stained face. "Thank you." Phil closed his eyes. "Thank you," he repeated as he held Dan's head to his chest.

Caroline caught sight of Dan's tail, and it made her smile despite the seriousness of the situation. "Oh," she chirped. "Your tail is so beautiful!" She held her fingertips to her mouth.

"You like it?" Dan giggled. "Thank you so much." He swished it back and forth.

"I really do." She looked as though she wanted to touch it but was afraid to ask.

"Would you like to pet it?" Dan, who could read her thoughts, thought that she ought to be able to feel a real Neko tail.

She nodded excitedly, looking quite surprised. She reached out to stroke the plush fur in the middle. "Oh, it's so lovely."

Dan smiled. He had never been more proud of his Neko features.

"May I touch your little ears too?" She giggled, holding her hands together over her heart.

"Of course." Dan bend forward so that Caroline could reach them. She only stood to their chests.

"They feel so soft, just like an actual cat!" She rubbed the tips between her fingers. Dan laughed, and Phil smiled.

Rosalie had a strong feeling that a match would be made today. It was not uncommon for her to become emotional in her work. She had really high hopes for this pairing.

"Shall we sit and discuss what happens next?" Rosalie gestured
to the round table.

They talked for over ninety minutes, and Rosalie discussed several typical open adoption arrangements. She added that the agreement could be as specific or general as they wished. Most open adoptions specified one annual visit between the  adoptive and biological parents, with letters and gifts to be passed along through the agency. Everyone was agreeable.

"We certainly aren't opposed to more frequent visits." Phil looked at Dan as he spoke. "We feel that it's important that a child know his mother."

"Absolutely. No secrets." Dan was adamant about this. "I don't want him to grow up believing that he was unwanted. There is no reason why he can't have a relationship with you, if that is what you want."

Caroline was shocked. She never expected such an incredible allowance. In truth, she didn't know if she wanted it. "I don't know. I mean, thank you, but it might be harder for me to be so involved. Maybe when he is older?"

"Fair enough, of course." Phil smiled. "We can leave that open as negotiable, yeah?"

Rosalie agreed. Nothing had to be decided today, particularly with regard to the biological mother's future involvement.

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Where stories live. Discover now