All That Matters

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Phil was impressed by Dan's sharp reflexes. Because he didn't see Dan differently, Phil often forgot that he was, in fact, Neko.

Dan had perfect balance, an acute sense of hearing, exceptional eyesight, and a well-developed sense of smell. He was also extremely adaptable. Phil was in awe of the beautiful boy.

"Dan, did you know that there are exactly thirty-two muscles in each of your ears and only two in each of mine?" Phil looked up from his book. "And you can move yours independently! You are so amazing Baby." Phil shook his head and smiled. Dan moved his ears just for Phil.

Dan never thought much about his Neko features, but Phil had a way of making him feel so special.

Phil was always doing research and asking Dan questions. "What does it feel like to have a tail?" Phil would ask with Dan wrapped up in his arms. "If I had a tail, I would link it with yours. It would be like holding hands." Dan would smile at him and giggle. Phil was so precious.

Other times, the questions were more serious. Phil wanted to know what it was like for Dan to grow up believing that he was destined to serve someone. He chose his moments carefully, usually when they were snuggled up together after they had finished making love. It was important to him that Dan knew that he was safe and loved when talking about the past. Dan trusted Phil implicitly, and he was very open and honest with him about his life. There was a time, however, in those early months, that Dan believed it best to spare Phil the gorier details of his life under his former masters.

Dan didn't have as much difficulty speaking about it as Phil would have digesting it. He felt that he was protecting Phil by omitting particularly gruesome details. However, one night, Phil discovered something on his own and it hurt him deeply.

To be clear, Phil did not believe that Dan owed him anything - it was more that he worried that Dan didn't trust him with his darkest moments. This, of course, wasn't the case at all. Phil wanted to know everything that made Dan, well, Dan.

It was their third time making love that Phil saw it. Their first time had been in the early morning hours, at dusk. The second time happened late at night, with only the silvery moonlight upon their bed.

It was the third time that they really saw one another in the sunlight. It was almost 2:00 in the afternoon, and the pair had settled in the lounge to watch a romantic film. Cuddling turned to kissing, and kissing turned to touching. Phil found that being able to see all of Dan added so much to the already-incredible experience. Phil took in the beautiful, soft, and lightly-golden expanse that was Dan's skin. He got to explore all of the sacred places with his eyes that his hands had already memorized.

Dan found Phil to be even more beautiful in the sunlight, and he studied Phil's delicate form, paying special mind to his gorgeous,
alabaster skin. Dan knew that not all humans were this beautiful.

Phil had been placing kisses along Dan's long, elegant spine. Dan was laying on his belly, purring into the sofa. Phil started to massage the small of Dan's back and moved ever closer to the gorgeous swell of his bottom with his fingertips, taking inventory of every perfect curve and mound, when he noticed a dark shadow on Dan's right cheek.

Dan was so engrossed in Phil's touch that he had completely forgotten to warn him about the dreadful mark.

Dan knew that Phil found it because he had gone still.

"Phil?" Dan croaked.

"Dan?" Phil's voice was something between sadness, outrage, and absolute horror. Still, neither of them moved.

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Where stories live. Discover now