Noah Michael Lester

222 14 4

* This chapter contains graphic descriptions of childbirth.*

The epidural provided significant relief, and Caroline was able to rest. The edge was gone, though she could still feel pressure. Natasha warned that she would require more frequent monitoring.

The baby's heart rate could be heard throughout the room. Caroline was now wearing a monitor that stretched around her belly to record the baby's heart rate. A second monitor measured the frequency and intensity of her contractions.

Dan and Phil rested together on the loveseat, holding hands and sharing the occasional chaste kiss. It was an incredibly exciting time; their baby would be here very soon.

Phil held Dan against his chest as they discussed post-delivery plans. Caroline asked them to stay through the night if they were comfortable. The baby could stay in the room so that they could tend to him. It would be crowded, but they could not imagine leaving their son on his very first night. Caroline would also need support.

Their duffel had been packed with all of these things in mind. It held both their personal belongings and items for their son.

"How can they not be here Phil?" Dan frowned and sighed against his husband's warm chest.

"I don't know Sweetheart. I don't know." Phil couldn't imagine allowing a child to give birth with out the support of her parents. Dan sighed, and Phil tightened his grip.

"Phil?" Dan whispered as he raised his head to meet Phil's eyes. "We are going to be the best parents ever."

Phil smiled. "Yes Baby, we are." Dan felt so good in his arms. He knew that there would be few quiet moments in the days ahead, so he closed his eyes and inhaled his husband's scent. He kissed down through his soft brown curls.

"I wonder what he will look like." Dan smiled. "And Phil, his little tail? I've never held a baby before." Dan gripped Phil's jumper and rubbed his nose against his chest.

Phil giggled softly. Dan was so adorable. He had never held a baby before either.

They lay together watching the snow fall over London. The mother of their child slept, however restlessly.

"Can I get you some coffee or tea Baby?" Phil stroked the side of Dan's face.

"Tea sounds amazing...thank you Daddy." Dan purred into Phil's touch. "You take such good care of me." He smiled and let his tail whip between their legs.

Phil wanted to pull Dan into his lap and kiss him. "You take care of me too you know." Phil lifted his chin and winked. "And you're welcome. Call me if anything changes." Dan sat forward to let Phil stand up. He blew a kiss to his husband as he disappeared behind the privacy curtain.

Caroline stirred. She sat up and complained of pressure in her back and bottom. Dan called for Tash, who was making notes on a white board in the hallway.

"Caroline is feeling low pressure." Dan gestured to the other side of the doorway with his head. His ears flicked back and forth; they were responding to the many sounds of the maternity ward.

"Is she? I'm on my way." Tash nodded and pumped antibacterial gel into her palm. Dan wondered if he should text Phil. He knew that low pressure meant that the baby could be in position behind the public bone.

"Should I call Phil? He went to fetch tea." Dan pat his pocket.

"We'll see. First babies can take awhile Dan. Even if she is ready to start pushing, it takes a lot of work to move the baby into the birth canal." Natasha smiled kindly. "I know you're excited Dad. You may certainly call him back here if you like."

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora