This Is Home

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Dan unpacked the jars first.

There were four in all: one large containing full-size bits and baubles from the sea, one medium-size jar filled to the brim with miniature shells and other nautical nubs, and two small jars, completely identical, containing dry, pale sand from their private beach.

Dan set them along the mantle, tallest to shortest. The mirror reflected images of the jars making it look like there were twice as many. Dan really liked the way that they looked. One day he and Phil would get to share two of the jars with their son.

Dan had been daydreaming a lot since he and Phil talked about adopting a child. For instance, he spent a good part of the return flight thinking about sitting at the dining room table as a family, with their son, examining each shell with a magnifying lens. He could see their son in Phil's lap, leaning forward with curiosity, poking at the arrangement before him.

They would play games, matching games, sorting games, and maybe even counting games. They would laugh, spill sand onto the floor, and watch videos about seahorses until they all fell asleep on the sofa - Dan in Phil's arms, and their son in Dan's. They would lay upon one another like dominoes.

Dan giggled and surprised Phil, who was resting his eyes.

"What's this about?" Phil couldn't help but to smile.

"Just thinking." Dan smiled fondly, and relaxed into Phil's shoulder. "Well, you know, daydreaming."

Phil knew what he meant. They spent a lot of their honeymoon talking about having a family. Dan would think of something sweet and share with Phil. Sometimes Phil would get excited about a tradition that they could modify to share with their son. "Want to share?"

Dan did. He loved talking about what he could see in his mind's eye. "I was just thinking about how we get so excited about learning. A child will be like a little sponge Phil. Can you even imagine? I can see our son getting into absolutely everything."

Phil laughed. He could see it too. He was such a curious child, and frankly, he was a curious adult too. Dan loved this about him.

"But my favorite part is thinking about falling asleep on the sofa, in Daddy's arms - you, me, and our boy." Dan shook his head. "I can just see us, exhausted and piled up."

Phil nodded. He squeezed Dan's hand. There was something so precious about the idea of a child wearing them out.

Phil started the laundry, and he laughed when sand poured out of their shorts onto the tile floor. He called for Dan, who squealed. "We will be finding sand for weeks Dan."

"It's like glitter isn't it? It is everywhere. Everywhere.
I think I can actually taste it." Dan made a sour face.

"Yes! Do you know that I had some in my mouth this morning?" Phil shrieked and stuck out his tongue as if it were still there.

"Yeah, but was it worth it Daddy?" Dan raised his eyebrows and winked as he walked by, his tail swinging.

"Totally worth it." Phil smirked. For a moment his mind took him back to that heavenly patch of beach under their umbrella. He blushed.

They were laughing hysterically now, Dan going to the kitchen in search of a broom and butler.

It was nice to be home. They discovered, after being away for a total of eleven days, that their home had its own wonderful scent. Their bed was waiting, and Dan had the forethought to make it up with fresh bedding before leaving so that they would come home to a ready bed, despite the usual weariness that came from travel.

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Where stories live. Discover now