This Is Not Your House; This Is Your Home

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Dan often replayed the events of that day in his mind.

He felt so broken and hopeless sitting there on that floor. Dan knew about Earth angels. He didn't believe that he had ever met one in person, but he was fairly certain that he was dealing with one now.

The young man could not have  been much older than he, with skin like a China doll and eyes like the ocean. His voice was kind, and Dan was surprised to find that it soothed him despite having just narrowly survived the storm of six violent men fighting over his trade. Somehow he knew that this beautiful boy could be trusted, and Dan took his hand. It was at that exact moment that Dan realized that Earth angels did exist. There was no other explanation for the man beside him.

Phil walked away unscathed that day. There were no men waiting to attack him in the shadows, though Phil did become paranoid that he was being followed in the days to follow. Regardless of his fear, Phil did not hesitate to take the young Neko under his wing.

"What is your name?" Phil asked as he pressed a damp cloth to the
boy's forehead.

"My name...was Dan." The Neko's eyes refused to meet Phil's, his voice meek and frightened.

"Was?" Phil's face softened. His heart was breaking. The Neko boy said nothing more.

The ride to Phil's flat was quiet, but not awkwardly so. The young Neko looked out the passenger side window, turning to look at the road ahead of them every so often.

"May I call you Dan?" Phil finally asked. The boy met his gaze and nodded solemnly. Dan returned to the side window to watch the world unfold in front of his eyes, and he wondered if he was worthy of this man called Phil. Certainly not. He had been raised among Nekos by Nekos, and he learned young that humans were out of reach.

Still, Dan felt uniquely and completely at ease with this young man. He had certainly never felt this way around another human before. Come to think of it, Dan couldn't remember feeling this way around another Neko before either.

Phil explained that he was taking Dan to his house. "We look to be about the same size, you and me. I have some clean, warm clothes for you to wear." Dan's ears began to lift. "And you can take a nice, hot shower too - or a bath if you prefer. Then we can take a look at your wounds." Phil made a turn and began making the ascent to his flat on the top of the hill.

Dan had not enjoyed a proper bath in ages. He had been on the streets for months trying to escape the trade. He cleaned up when he could find a place to do so, and he only ate when someone took pity on him. Suddenly Dan's tummy rumbled loudly.

"And maybe something to eat too, yeah?" Phil smiled kindly and turned off the ignition.

It seemed to Dan that Phil had been sent to him. Never had anyone been so kind, least of all a complete stranger. Dan decided that believing in the goodness of people might be okay after all.

"Here Dan, I thought that you might like to choose your own clothing." Phil lay several options on the bathroom counter and reached for a new towel. "I can try to wash up your things if you like." Phil immediately regretted saying something for it was obvious that Dan's tattered clothing was headed straight for the bin.

Dan didn't know what to say. He fumbled with the threadbare hem of his shirt. "I don't know that my things would survive the wash, but thank you."

It was the most that Phil had heard Dan speak. His voice was absolutely beautiful. Phil wanted to hear him say more, but decided not to push him.

"Well then, enjoy your bath. I am going to make us some dinner. Is there anything that you don't like to eat?"

Dan smiled shyly and shook his head. He was not a picky eater.

Phil nodded and closed the door. Dan studied his own face in the mirror as the water filled the tub. His eyes were puffy from crying, and his lips seemed slightly swollen as well. He had a small abrasion on his left cheekbone and several cuts on his forehead. Dan winced as he looked closer. Who was this man? Why did he put himself at risk to save Dan? What kind of person brings  a dirty, broken, bruised Neko boy into his home without expectation? Phil did. Phil with his beautiful blue eyes and low, soothing voice - Phil with his kind heart and endless patience.

Phil felt strangely concerned about leaving the Neko boy alone. Even though Dan was just around the corner, Phil couldn't help but to wonder of he was alright.

Though Phil didn't know much about Nekos, his instinct was to serve the boy some protein. Perhaps some chicken and rice. Yes, that seemed like a good idea. He even cooked some mixed vegetables to go with it. Phil wondered how often the boy actually ate. He was thin to be sure but not completely unhealthy. Phil guessed that Dan was either resourceful, lucky, or both.

An hour had passed by the time Dan emerged from the bathroom. Phil's clothing was too large on him, but it would do. Phil was surprised to see that Dan had a gorgeous head of curly chestnut hair into which his adorable ears blended perfectly. Phil realized that Dan had tucked his tail in the leg of the gray jogging bottoms for there was no opening for his tail.

"How do you feel Dan?"

"Better. Much better. Thank you." Dan took a seat on the other side of the sofa, facing Phil.

"I hope you're hungry. I made us dinner." Phil gestured to the dining room table. Dan could not believe his luck. A bath, clean, warm clothes, and food too? It was overwhelming.

"Thank you." Dan sat down next to Phil and waited for permission to eat.

Phil realized that Dan had not touched his food. "Go ahead Dan, enjoy. Do you like chicken and rice?"

Dan nodded and began to eat. The food tasted so good, though he had to remember to eat slowly so as not to give himself a tummy ache. It had been days since he had last eaten - two and a half to be exact. Dan ate, pushing half of his food to one side of the plate.

"Are you full already?" Phil was nearly finished, but noticed that Dan had stopped eating.

"No, I'm not full, but I would like to save this for tomorrow please."

"Oh Dan, no. You don't have to save anything. I will make more food tomorrow. Eat up, please." Phil felt his heart break a little more.

Dan's ears stood up and his tail moved in his the leg of his trousers. Phil meant to address that.

"Dan, I am sorry about the jogging bottoms. I didn't think about your tail. Are you uncomfortable like that?"

Dan smiled. He smiled. Phil felt his heart expand in his chest. The  Neko boy was absolutely gorgeous. Phil hoped that he would be smiling more.

"It doesn't bother me." Dan giggled a little. "Besides, my tail is not in the best shape at the moment. I wouldn't want you to see it." Dan looked down at this plate in embarrassment.

"No Dan, no, no. Don't you worry about that. Anyway, your wounds need to be cleaned and bandaged to heal properly. I would really like to help you with that if you'll let me...after you are finished of course."

Dan honestly didn't know what was happening to him. He had never been cared for like this in his entire life. He wondered if Phil would claim him. For the first time since coming of age, Dan did not fear the idea of ownership, not if ownership felt like Phil.

"Yes please." Dan had finished all of the food on his plate. Phil noticed a tiny bulge in his tummy, and he smiled with satisfaction.

I Am Not Your Master; I Am Your Partner: A (Neko) Dan and (Human) Phil Series  Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat